APPENDIX A: Budget Reduction Process- 2003 - FY 2003-04 & 2004-05 Budget Reduction Process

APPENDIX A: Budget Reduction Process- 2003
MARCH 3, 2003

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Task By Whom Participants Dates for Completion
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Discuss budget problem with general amounts and general time frame Chancellor Cabinet1, APC, Senate Exec., Deans and Directors, UNOPA, UAAD, ASUN Feb. 19, 2003
Develop 'preliminary general budget framework' to include: reduction total; reduction assignments to units; time lines; restraints, guidelines Chancellor and VCs   Completed
Present 'preliminary general budget framework' to joint meeting of Cabinet and APC Chancellor Cabinet & APC (joint meeting) February 19, 2003
Review 'general budget framework' and make recommendations to Chancellor APC   February 26, 2003
Adopt 'final general budget framework' and make public Chancellor   February 28, 2003
Specific budget proposals developed Deans and Directors Vice Chancellors Ongoing 2/28/03 2/28/03
Tentative budget proposals presented Vice Chancellors Cabinet/Chancellor Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Budget proposals adopted Chancellor   3/1/03 4/1/03 6/18/03
Briefings on budget proposals Chancellor APC, Senate Exec., Deans and Directors, UNOPA, UAAD, ASUN 3/10/03 4/1/03 6/18/03
Proposals formally forwarded to APC and made public Chancellor   3/10/03 4/1/03 6/18/03
Hearing for affected units APC   TBA TBA TBA
Recommendations on proposals APC Chancellor 4/15/03 6/9/03 11/1/03
Discussion of recommendations Chancellor APC/Cabinet 4/22/03 6/16/03 11/8/03
Announcement of final budget recommendations Chancellor   4/30/03 6/23/03 11/30/03

1) The "Cabinet" reffered to in the procedures Document no longer exists. or the purposes of this procedure, when the "Cabinet" is referred to it shall mean the Senior Administrative Team, the President of the Academic Senate, the President of ASUN, the President of UNOPA and the President of UAAD.