2009 Budget Reduction Process

Special Session

Letter from Chancellor Perlman – Budget and Special Session

November 12, 2009

Dear Colleagues:

Harvey Perlman

As I am sure you are painfully aware, the Nebraska Legislature is in special session considering how to reduce a considerable shortfall in the state's budget. While we are making the case for the university, we also have accepted the fact that the university will have to be part of the solution. President Milliken testified as such earlier this week. Thus it is very likely that we will undertake another round or two of budget reductions beginning after Thanksgiving break. It is too early to hazard a guess as to what amount will be required but I fear it will be substantial. Part of the reduction will come in this fiscal year, now almost half over, so we face the need for temporary reductions as well permanent reductions.

read full letter from Chancellor Perlman...

Fiscal Year 2009-2010

Academic Planning Committee Budget Reduction Hearing On April 23:
Hearing Agenda

April 20, 2010

Letter to Campus for Phase 3 of Reduction - Arts & Sciences
Letter to campus

April 6, 2010

FY 2010 Proposed Budget Reductions
Updated budget proposal

April 2, 2010

Academic Planning Committee Budget Reduction Hearing On September 18:
Recommendations to Chancellor Perlman
Chancellor Perlman's Response to APC's Recommendations

October 5, 2009

Academic Planning Committee Budget Reduction Hearing On July 30:
Recommendations to Chancellor Perlman
Chancellor Perlman's Response to APC's Recommendations

August 13, 2009

Tentative Dates and Items - Phase Three of the UNL Budget Reduction Process

July 13, 2009

Letter from Chancellor Perlman – Budget Reductions

June 17, 2009

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing today to fill you in on our plans now that the Board of Regents has approved the budget for the university for the coming year. In some ways we can feel fortunate because our overall budget circumstance is far better than most of our colleagues at peer institutions. At the same time, we must confront the need to make reductions in our current budget, reductions that are not as large as we had earlier predicted, but difficult nonetheless.

As you know, we will receive, on average, a 1.5 percent salary increase for faculty and staff and an increase in some benefits, including an increase in life insurance coverage and an additional employer contribution by the university toward employee health insurance. The purpose of the salary increase is to keep UNL competitive and to continue to attract and keep talented faculty and staff. I recognize that many of you urged that we not have a salary increase if we could avoid a reduction. However, in the end, we must make progress on our salary scale. We have sought to find the right balance between salary increases, tuition increases, expenditure constraints, and budget reductions. All have been pursued. In the end, the university system is left with an $8.5 million shortfall, of which UNL’s share is $3.7 million. read full letter from Chancellor Perlman...

Letter from Chancellor Perlman – Salary Update

May 28, 2009

Responses to the Budget Reduction suggestions from the Chancellor's website

April 1, 2009

Letter from Chancellor Perlman

December 5, 2008

2009 UNL Budget Reduction Documents

General Budget Framework Document FY 2009-2010

Procedures to be Invoked for Significant Budget Reallocations and Reductions
This document establishes budget reallocation and reduction procedures at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for academic and support and service programs in circumstances where significant budget reallocations or reductions are required.

Budget Reduction Documents from Prior Years

Latest News

June 11, 2009

$3.7M is UNL's Share

Regents to consider budget proposal: Plan outlines lowest tuition increase in last decade, $3.7M cut in UNL budget

April 24, 2009
Revenue Forecast Tightens, Again

State's revenue forecast shrinks, again (Omaha World Herald)

Committee members reduce proposed budget by $94M (Lincoln Journal Star)

March 3, 2009
Appropriations Committee Hearing

Kent Schroeder, chair of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents, and NU President James B. Milliken presented the university's case for the 2009-11 biennial budget to the Legislature's Appropriations Committee on March 3. Schroeder reviewed the university's goals as outlined in the Strategic Framework and Milliken talked about the university's positive momentum and impact on the state's economic growth.
President Milliken's testimony
Regent Schroeder's testimony

February 27, 2009
Forecasting Board Downbeat
State Budget Deliberations

Nebraska Legislature's Appropriations Committee Preliminary Report

NET Live Video from Nebraska Legislature (when in session)

Letter from University of Nebraska President James B. Milliken

Dear Colleagues,

J.B. Milliken

I am writing today to follow up on my letter of December 1, to provide additional information about the budget situation and our planning. I apologize for the length of this letter-I was warned by colleagues that it is way too long-but there are a number of things I want to share with you.

read full letter from President Milliken...