April 14 2011 Budget Narrative - FY2012 Budget Reduction Process

Office of the Chancellor

Alumni Associations

This identified reduction eliminates state funding previously allocated to the Executive Director of the Nebraska Alumni Association position. ($89,069)

Chancellor's Office

This staffing reduction is the result of a change in personnel for the Associate to the Chancellor position. ($20,425)

Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) - Director position

This reduction is the salary savings as a result of the Director for IRP serving a dual role as Associate to the Chancellor and Director for Institutional Research and Planning. ($82,104)

Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) - Support

This reduction shifts an IRP support staff salary line to non-recurring funds. ($41,610)


Academic Affairs


SVCAA Office

Eliminate 14.0 FTE retired faculty (VSIP) positions. The serious impact of this reduction is the loss of approximately 56 course sections per year that will have to be absorbed by existing faculty. This also means a loss of student mentoring and advising capacity. These unfilled positions represent a significant loss of future curriculum enhancements, teaching innovations and research productivity. These reductions will be allocated across the UNL's colleges in accordance with future strategic planning priorities at the college and campus levels.



Eliminate a vacant faculty position in Interior Design. The reduction will place additional burdens on existing faculty to absorb the teaching and advising duties within the program.


Arts & Sciences - Discontinue the Masters Degree Program in the Department of Classics

The elimination of the Masters Program in Classics will reduce the departmental faculty by one Professor of Practice position. The elimination of this position will require shifting at least two tenured Classics faculty members into high demand undergraduate courses to assure instructional capacity is maintained. The Masters program has only a very small number of majors, but other graduate students take advantage of these graduate courses.


Arts & Sciences - Shift salaries in Modern Languages to self-supporting funds

This reduction shifts the salary of a non-tenure-track faculty member and a graduate student to self-supporting funds in the Language Lab. This shift in personnel will reduce the department's instructional capacity and will require the department to absorb additional students into existing course sections to assure student demand is met. The college will assure the Language Lab continues to support student learning effectively.


College of Business Administration- Shift state funding for IT support position

This budget reduction shifts state funding for an Instructional Technology (IT) staff position to self-supporting funds. Some IT responsibilities may shift to Information Services.


College of Education and Human Sciences Dean's Office (CEHS)- Eliminate CEHS 200

CEHS 200 is a general education course currently required of all undergraduates in the College. The course will no longer be a part of the curriculum. This reduction will result in the loss of a full-time lecturer line and funds for a half-time instructor and two graduate assistants. The reduction will result in the College dropping 5 sections of 50 students each fall & spring. The College will continue to maintain an honors section of CEHS 200 to be offered once a year.


College of Education and Human Sciences - Eliminate undergraduate teacher certification program in K-12 Art Education

This reduction would eliminate a lecturer position. The reduction eliminates the future ability of students to earn teacher certification in K-12 Art Education at UNL, which would affect approximately 20 students per year. Reasonable efforts will be made to allow all current students to complete their degree programs at UNL. Art Education programs are currently available at UNO and UNK.


College of Engineering - Eliminate Industrial and Management Systems Engineering (IMSE)

This reduction includes the elimination of the departmental structure, one untenured faculty position, the undergraduate major, the MS program, and the PhD specialization. Tenured faculty will be transitioned to other College of Engineering units. It is anticipated that most students will be able to complete their current programs within a reasonable timeline. Those who cannot will be provided opportunities to move into other Engineering programs. Currently there are 67 undergraduate students and 32 Masters students in IMSE.


Extended Education and Outreach (EEO) - Restructure marketing efforts

This reduction restructures EEO's marketing staff by eliminating 2.25 FTE vacant lines, shifting 2.0 FTE positions to non-state funding. The position eliminations were made possible by restructuring EEO, International Affairs and the Office of Admissions as part of UNL's FY 2010 budget reduction. Shifting two positions to non-state funds will be sustained by increased revenue generation in other areas of EEO.


Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts - Eliminate the Study of Organ in the School of Music

This reduction will eliminate the student option to study Organ and will also have an impact on the ability of the School of Music to offer instruction in two core study areas, namely, undergraduate level study in Music Theory and graduate level study in Music Performance Practice. This reduction requires the termination of one pre-tenured faculty member. One student will graduate in May 2011 and no one else in the college is studying this option.


College of Law

The College of Law will reduce its operating budget and offset this reduction with the addition of five students in future entering classes. This enrollment increase is possible because of recent building renovations and expanded coursework in the upper level curriculum. Impacts include increased competition for classes and clinics. The college will work to mitigate these effects for incoming classes. ($80,000)


Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS) - Restructure OUS and eliminate the dean position

General oversight for the programs and initiatives in undergraduate studies will continue to reside in the Senior Vice Chancellor's office, with specific leadership provided by existing OUS faculty directors and managerial professionals. This administrative restructuring is intended to improve efficiency and maintain the same level of service. One filled office service position will be eliminated. The work of this employee will be absorbed by other administrative support personnel. The current dean will return to UNL's faculty.


Student Affairs


Restructure Nebraska / South Dakota recruitment by increasing visits by Lincoln-based recruitment staff to NE and SD high schools and eliminating three positions. Two of the three positions are vacant and existing Admissions staff will assume added recruitment responsibilities. ($79,300)

Career Services

This reduction shifts a greater portion of Director's salary to non-state funds in the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs budget. ($20,000)

Registration and Records

Funds for this reduction will come from savings by transitioning from print to electronic copy of class schedule. ($20,000)

Scholarship and Financial Aid

Decrease in staff salary pools. Will impact hiring of seasonal employees. ($20,023)

Student Judicial Affairs

This reduction shifts state funding to fee-based services in Judicial Affairs. ($14,200)

Student Unions

Funds will be replaced with self-generated income. ($16,000)

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Reduce operating budget by this amount. Will result in reduced student programming. ($10,000)


Business and Finance

Mailing Services

Reduce on-campus mail delivery from five times a week (Monday – Friday) to an alternating day schedule. UNL continues to deliver approximately 3.1 million pieces of mail annually. While UNL is not experiencing a drop in mail volume, a reduction to an alternating day delivery permits a 1.0 FTE staffing reduction. ($36,889)

Procurement Services

With no change in FTE, salary savings are achieved by replacing a vacant Assistant Director position with a Sourcing Specialist. Campus services will be unaffected. ($32,350)

Facilities Management and Planning (FMP)

Close and raze University Terrace. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in this building are failing. By relocating current occupants to other UNL facilities, FMP can avoid renovation of this building's HVAC system and can save $35,000 in annual maintenance and utilities. The cost of demolition will be covered by one-time funding. ($35,000)

FMP - Building Services Maintenance

Reduce frequency of changing air filters in buildings. Facilities Maintenance and Planning (FMP) has installed devices to measure pressure drops in UNL's air handlers; therefore, filters are only replaced when the pressure drops, not on six-month intervals. Given that some air handlers are used more frequently than others, this operational change reduces the number of air filters used by UNL annually. ($23,000)

FMP - Building Services Maintenance (BSM)

Implement FMP Building Zone Maintenance. Over the next three years, FMP is implementing zone maintenance throughout its BSM operations. BSM staff will be assigned to a group of buildings (a zone) and will focus on preventive maintenance. Efficiencies are gained from a more productive use of staff time by eliminating travel to/from job sites and cost savings by employing a different mix of staffing expertise. FY 2011 is Year 1 of a three-year implementation, representing an estimated 40% of the full 3-year savings. ($175,000)

FMP - Building Services Maintenance

FMP's BSM supervisory responsibilities have been realigned, resulting in a 1.0 FTE staffing reduction. No impact on services to the campus. ($73,700)

FMP - Custodial Services

Reduce stairway cleaning from five times a week to twice a week. While campus staircases will be less clean, especially during winter months, FMP is reducing the amount of sand/grit applied during the winter season, especially within 30 feet of building entrances. The goal is to minimize the sand/grit tracked into UNL's buildings and into the campus stairways. ($165,525)

Financial Services

Shift funding for Financial Services staff associated with the 3-year federal Facilities and Administrative (F&A) negotiated rate to F&A Funds. This cost shift aligns the staffing costs associated with negotiating UNL's F&A rate to the proceeds from those negotiations. ($20,070)


Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR)

IANR's reduction is a continuation of its FY2010 budget reductions which involved moving the Communication and Information Technology (CIT), now Educational Media, to a new profit center business model. Last fiscal year a large portion of the budget reduction to CIT came from position eliminations. This year all of the state fund reductions come from shifting 15.78 FTE employees to self-supporting revolving funds.


Other UNL Reduction

University wide
This reduction is to UNL's general operating budget. This is achievable as a result of growth in overall enrollment.


UNL Total
