Education and Outreach Coordinator

As education and outreach coordinator, Ryan develops and delivers trainings related to equity and compliance topics, including the online sexual misconduct trainings; live, custom trainings related to sexual misconduct and other forms of discrimination and harassment; and working with other Institutional Equity and Compliance (IEC) staff on Search Process Seminar and Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 for Supervisors. If you have questions about a training or would like to set up a custom training for your department or student organization, please email Ryan.

Ryan joined Institutional Equity and Compliance in 2016. Ryan has worked at both the University of Arizona and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Ryan is a Nebraska native and has two degrees from the university: a BA in international studies with minors in anthropology, English, Japanese, Spanish, LGBTQ/sexuality studies and women’s and gender studies and an MEd in educational administration, specializing in student affairs administrations. Ryan is currently pursuing a PhD in educational psychology specializing in quantitative, qualitative, and psychometric methods. Ryan has worked at both the University of Arizona and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Ryan enjoys gardening and knitting.