Chris Eskridge
310 Nebraska Hall
Course Description:
This course is designed to deal with the issues surrounding the phenomenon of terrorism.  The students will be 
exposed to theories, concepts, and issues relating to terrorism.
An attempt will be made to improve students' understanding of the problem of terrorism against the background 
of contemporary international relations and continuing ideological conflict.  General concepts of terrorism will be 
explored, as will many of the events, groups and persons who have been involved in historical acts of terrorism.
Students will explore the role of terrorism in the 21st century and examine the problems of responding to and 
controlling terrorism.    
Required Course Materials:
Xerox packet at the University Bookstore
Readings on the course webpage (
White, Introduction to Terrorism 
Two exams covering the reading and lecture material will be given.  The mid-term, worth 35 percent of the course 
grade, will be given on Thursday, March 14.  The comprehensive final exam will  be given from 10 am to noon on 
Wednesday, May 8 and will be worth 50 percent of the course grade.  Make-up exams will not be  given, so plan 
accordingly.  Students will also be expected to critique 15 articles dealing with course related topics.  The  critiques 
will be worth 15 percent of the course grade.  Each critique is to be at least 250 words in length.  The critiques 
are due no later than April 18.  No critiques will be accepted after that time.
A standard "curve" will be used to determine the course grade (90%-A; 80%-B; 70%-C; 60%-D).  A passing grade 
is a C in the P/N option.  Attendance will not be taken, but students should plan on attending class on a regular basis 
in as much as the exams will emphasize material presented in class.  Students who miss a class session should 
make arrangements to obtain notes from another class member.
Exam Content:
                                        Text Material                          Lecture Material
Mid-Term Exam            Chapters 1-13                       Sections 1-5
                                        Xerox Materials
                                        Webpage materials
Final Exam                     Chapters 1-17;                      Sections 1-10
                                         Xerox Materials
                                         Webpage materials

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln provides individualized accommodations to students with documented disabilities.  If you have a documented disability that is impacting your academic progress, please call SSD at 472-3787 and schedule an appointment with the Director, Veva Cheney, or Assistant Director, Barbara Woodhead.  If you do not have a documented disability but you are having difficulties with your coursework (such as receiving low grades even though you study more than your classmates or running out of time for test questions when the majority of your peers finish their exams in the allotted time), you may schedule an appointment with Veva or Barbara to discuss the challenges you are experiencing.

                         COURSE OUTLINE
                       TOPIC                                                                CHAPTERS
SECTION 1  Definitions and Typologies of Terrorism                1  
SECTION 2  Justice and Terrorism                                               2
SECTION 3  Extent of Terrorism                                                    3
SECTION 4  Terrorist Organizations:  International                  4 - 12
SECTION 5  Terrorist Organizations:  Domestic                         13
                        - MID TERM EXAM -
SECTION 6  Case Studies (People, Places, Events)          no assignment
SECTION 7  Terrorist Techniques, Tactics and Weapons         14
SECTION 8  Response and Survival                                         15, 16
SECTION 9  Problems in Controlling Terrorist Groups      no assignment
SECTION 10 Future of Terrorism                                                  17
                         - FINAL EXAM -
The reading assignments are noted in the right hand column. Students are encouraged to read ahead 
so that they might be somewhat familiar with the course material prior to its presentation in class.  It 
should be noted, however, that the exams will focus on material presented in class.