
UNL Academic Senate Meeting Minutes

Clifford Hardin Nebraska Center for Continuing Education September 12, 1995 President H. Douglas Jose Presiding

1.0 Call to Order

* President Jose called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

2.0 Regent O'Brien

2.1 Dr. Nancy O'Brien, Board of Regents, discussed the current and future needs of higher education in Nebraska. Regent O'Brien noted that the funding of higher education was the focus for the August Board of Regents meeting. She was pleased with the attendance and interest shown during that meeting and invites faculty members to become more involved in future discussions. She welcomes the academic perspective and input. She then opened the floor for questions.
2.2 Leo Chouinard, Mathematics & Statistics, asked Regent O'Brien what, in her opinion, is the most effective way to structure the governing process. She stated that working through the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate is an efficient method, but it is also acceptable to express dissenting opinions.
2.3 Margaret Kennedy, School of Music, asked about the role of the university in economic development. Regent O'Brien stated it is not feasible for the University of Nebraska to serve all community needs, but we need to get out front in predicting business needs five to ten years into the future to help prepare our graduates. Although not practical to continuously retrain workers, we can teach students the critical thinking/coping skills needed to adapt to the changing job market.

3.0 Interim Chancellor Leitzel

3.1 Leitzel reported that UNL had a increase of 457 students on campus this academic year. There are twice as many honor students and merit scholars among this freshmen group.
3.2 There has been a smooth introduction of general education courses at the 100-200 level. She credits faculty with this transition.
3.3 Announced several September events: The "A" Festival presented by the Colleges of Fine and Performing Arts and Architecture; the dedication of the new Beadle Center, and the new gates undergoing installation at the south entrance to Love Library.
3.4 Stated that the Love Library auditorium renovation is complete and we now have legislative funding to renovate Burnett Hall. The construction process will probably begin in late spring or early summer. Lyman Hall will temporarily house the faculty. She requests deans, directors and faculty to identify temporary classroom space.
3.5 Briefly discussed the UNL football team situation. The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee will meet with Bill Byrne during the week.
3.6 Distributed a new publication addressing academic excellence prepared by the Office of Academic Affairs.

4.0 Announcements (Jose)

4.1 Introduced the new coordinator for the Academic Senate office.
4.2 Reported on the administrative search processes for the Dean, Division of Continuing Studies, Dean, Fine and Performing Arts College and Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance. Questions concerning the Chancellor search process may be addressed to Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky, the Executive Committee member serving on the search committee.
4.3 Stated that the alternative research proposal submitted by Regent Wilson has been submitted for input from faculty.

5.0 Selection of Parliamentarian

* Karl Hostetler moved and Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky seconded a motion to approve Leo Chouinard, Mathematics & Statistics, for reappointment.

6.0 Approval of Minutes

Minutes of May 2, 1995 were approved.

7.0 Committee Reports

7.1 The Commencement Committee reported. Jim McShane submitted the following resolution for adoption:
Resolved: The Academic Senate instructs its President:
1. Before each commencement to find out from the dean of each college of instruction who will be available to represent the college's Grade Appeal Committee in the ten business days preceding that next Commencement;
2. Before each commencement to find out from the Chair of its Examination and Grading Committee who will be available to represent the committee in the ten business days preceding that next commencement; and,
3. To communicate this information to the Chair of the Commencement Committee and to all others who ask for it.
Mark Van Roojen, Philosophy Department, asked if this procedure might be a problem for nine-month appointed faculty. Don Jensen, Psychology Department, moved to defer to the Committee on Committees and place on the October Senate agenda. Seconded by Leo Chouinard.
7.2 Secretary Phyllis Japp reported on the Executive Committee summer activities.

8.0 Unfinished Business

8.1 Leo Sartori asked about the time line for submitting a second draft of Regent Wilson's proposal.
8.2 Sally Wise and Gargi Roysircar-Sodowsky reported on the Faculty Club progress and encouraged faculty participation.

9.0 New Business

10.0 For the Good of the Order

The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Japp, Secretary

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