

E103 Beadle Center (Auditorium)
February 6, 1996
President H. Douglas Jose Presiding

1.0 Call to Order

* President Jose called the meeting to order at 2:40 pm.

2.0 Board of Regents Chair Don Blank

* Regent Don Blank, Chair, spoke about the relationship of the Board of Regents to faculty and administration. Blank stated that change is inevitable at the university. His experience has been that Nebraska citizens are supportive of their landgrant university and its faculty.
Discussion: Roysircar-Sodowsky, Educational Psychology, thanked the Board of Regents for their leadership in defining the role and mission of UNL and asked Regent Blank about the university's efforts to recruit and promote international faculty and students. Blank reported that the university has made considerable efforts to recruit minority faculty and students. Caldwell, 4-H & Youth Development, stated that the International Affairs Office has many programs in place to recruit and maintain international students; however, he was uncertain about programs specifically targeted toward international faculty. Kim Hachiya, News & Information, asked Regent Blank if he felt the Board of Regents was becoming more divided. Blank stated that diverse viewpoints were healthy for the work of the Board. McShane, English, reiterated Roysircar-Sodowsky's appreciation to the Board of Regents for their leadership efforts in defining the role and mission of UNL.

3.0 Announcements

* President Jose announced that Chancellor Moeser has decided to reopen the search for the Affirmative Action and Diversity Director. A new search committee will be appointed soon.

4.0 Chancellor James Moeser

* Chancellor Moeser praised the work of his predecessors, Graham Spanier and Joan Leitzel, and intends to carry on their work. The strategic planning process will provide him with the opportunity to learn in detail about the university and to get acquainted with administrators, faculty and staff. He believes the university serves as an "engine" to the community, having a profound impact on Nebraska's economy.
Discussion: Roysircar-Sodowsky questioned Moeser about the Affirmative Action and Diversity Director position. Chancellor Moeser responded that he considers this to be a key position. He plans for a careful selection of the new search committee and hopes to find a qualified individual by the end of the semester if possible.

5.0 Approval of 1/16/96 Minutes

* The minutes were approved as amended.

6.0 Committee Reports

6.1 Committee on Committees Chair Kay Logan-Peters reported. The committee is reviewing the selection process for faculty to serve on the University Judicial Board. The committee is currently building a ballot for committee selection. Of the 1800-plus preference forms mailed to all faculty, only about 200 were returned. She encouraged greater faculty involvement. David Fowler, Teachers College, questioned Logan-Peters about the committee appointment process.
6.2 John Bender, Chair, Convocations Committee reported that this committee has approved four applications for speaker funding since his report was distributed to the Senate. Although the funds are basically depleted, there is still a substantial sum available from the Avery Fund. This money is earmarked for speakers with outstanding credentials and reputation.
6.3 Curriculum Committee Chair Kevin Hofeditz highlighted aspects of his report, noting that the Integrative Studies program has significantly contributed to their workload. 6.4 Dermot Coyne, Chair, Honorary Degrees Committee, reported on the process of selecting nominees for the Louise Pound-George Howard awards.

7.0 Pound Howard Ballot Nominations/Elections

* Coyne, Horticulture, and Chair of the Honorary Degrees Committee, explained that two nominees for the Pound Howard award were being submitted to the Senate. The purpose of the award is to honor faculty for their long-term service to the university. Coyne encouraged Senate members to become more involved in the nomination process. McShane inquired about the confidentiality of the balloting process. Sartori, Physics & Astronomy, stated his opposition to submission of two names. He feels it lessens the value of the award to present more than one and encouraged members to vote for approval of one nominee only.

8.0 Academic Senate Executive Committee Member Election

8.1 This election is to fill the vacancy of James Ford, English, who volunteered his resignation to comply with faculty governance rules allowing no more than four members from one college to serve on the Executive Committee. With the election of Peter Bleed, Anthropology, to serve as President-Elect, the Committee has five members from the College of Arts and Sciences. The Executive Committee appreciates Ford's accommodation and has voted to invite Ford to continue meeting with the Executive Committee as a nonvoting member for the remainder of his term, which expires April 30, 1996.
8.2 Three candidates were nominated: Julie Albrecht, Nutritional Science & Dietetics; Ezekiel Bahar, Electrical Engineering; and Joseph Luther, Community & Regional Planning.
8.3 Joseph Luther was elected.

9.0 Commencement Procedures Resolution

9.1 Sartori, Physics & Astronomy, and van Roojen, Philosophy, introduced a resolution at the January 16 Senate meeting requesting that the Senate direct the Commencement Committee to revise the guidelines for participation in commencement exercises and submit the revised guidelines in time for consideration at the April Senate meeting. Discussion: Sartori noted the pressure to submit final grades by 4:00 p.m. on the last day of finals as one reason for the resolution. McShane, English, opposed the resolution. The Registration & Records Office will accommodate faculty with the grading process. UNL's policy is unique for a campus of its size. He suggested that the subject be referred to the Grading & Examinations Committee. Steve Korell, ASUN, spoke against the resolution. Students wish to receive their degrees when they walk across the stage. Van Roojen explained that many seniors are not required to take final examinations because the grades cannot be reported on time to meet Registration & Records requirements. Faculty have been pressured to award a grade to a graduating senior which the student had not earned. Jensen, Psychology, spoke against the resolution. Zorn, Finance; Roysircar-Sodowsky, Educational Psychology; and Humes, Political Science spoke in favor of the resolution. Parsons, AgLEC, felt the student body should decide. Chouinard, Mathematics & Statistics, agreed the matter should be considered by the Grading & Examinations Committee. 8.2 Jensen moved that we revise the resolution to refer to the Grading & Examinations Committee instead of the Commencement Committee. Dewey, Geography, seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, Jensen withdrew his original motion and moved to table the Sartori/van Roojen resolution. Dewey seconded. The motion passed. 8.3 Chouinard then moved that the Senate refer the matter to the Grading & Examinations Committee. Roysircar-Sodowsky seconded. The motion passed.

10.0 Ad Hoc Committee on Cumulative Review of Administrators

* President Jose announced names of committee members: Rita Kean, Chair, Miles Bryant, Scott Swenseth and Dermot Coyne. Jose reported difficulties in distributing an e-mail announcement to faculty. The request to distribute was denied because faculty could not be separated from staff. The e-mail was subsequently distributed to Senate representatives who were urged to distribute the information to their colleagues.

11.0 Unfinished Business

* President Jose reported on the status of the Graduate Council restructuring situation. He has not yet learned the results of the election, but did receive a letter from Lee Jones denying the Senate's request to invalidate the election.

12.0 New Business

* Japp, Academic Senate Secretary, distributed a Senate apportionment report resulting from the redistricting survey conducted during the fall, 1995. Japp moved the report be accepted. Kennedy, Marketing, seconded. The motion passed and the report was accepted as distributed.

13.0 For the Good of the Order

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Japp, secretary.

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