Letter from Chancellor about 2010 Budget Reductions

Dear Colleagues:

I am sure it is no surprise to any of you that we are called upon once again to begin the process to further reduce our budget. I am following our procedures and am making public today the General Budget Framework Document. It has been reviewed by the Academic Planning Committee, they have made a few recommendations, and I have adopted them.

Explaining how one arrives at the amount to cut is always complicated because there are cash flow issues, funds that must be found immediately, and permanent reductions that are ongoing. There are also uncertainties. The Special Session reduced this year's budget as well as next year's budget but we will not know until June what the Board of Regents will adopt for next year for salary increases or tuition increases.

In the Framework Document I suggest that we identify this spring, about $5.2 million in reductions. I am confident that our actual reduction will be at least that much. We will then have to work next year to take account of any changes, either resulting from tuition and salary decisions or further Legislative action.

I don't need to tell you that this round of reductions will be very difficult. This is the seventh round of cuts we have faced during my tenure as chancellor. Through all of the past cuts, by remaining committed to our priorities, we have somehow maintained upward momentum through past tough fiscal times, and I have confidence that we can do so once again.

These decisions are never easy and I know some of you will disagree with one or more of my ultimate decisions. But I continue to think there is broad support for preserving the central core of this university and its strengths for better times.

Again, you are free to e-mail me your thoughts, your concerns, and your suggestions. I will do my best to answer them in a thoughtful way.
