Budget Reduction Allocations and Descriptions


Withhold 1% of the anticipated 3% salary increase pool to initially cover the majority of the budget shortfall. If enrollment increases result in revenues that exceed projections, a full or partial reinstatement of the salary pool will be explored for January, 2015. In order to ensure that instances of highest merit are recognized, each Vice Chancellor will hold back .75% of all salary increase pools for redistribution. Details of the redistribution policies will be distributed in the near future.

We also intend to invite all deans and director level administrators to seriously engage in an analysis of how administrative efficiencies could be achieved in their units by (1) consolidation of activities, either centrally or with other units; (2) abandonment of less essential activities; or (3) other means. Permanent cost savings from such an exercise will be retained by the college or division and be available to increase the salary pool of that college or division in January 2015 or beyond.

Chancellor's Office$318,226

Reduce discretionary resources used to fund ongoing and periodic strategic initiatives.

Academic Affairs$200,000

Summer Sessions - Reduction in the summer sessions budget. The summer budget is allocated to the colleges each year based on past student credit hour performance and future strategic plans. The colleges have done a good job over the last two years in using these funds more strategically and summer enrollments are up. A cut of this magnitude would not harm our summer trajectory and could be accommodated through increased efficiency.

Student Affairs$425,774

The majority of these reductions shift the expenses from state funds to the appropriate auxiliary or fee budget. Fee supported activities will be reduced in lieu of raising University Program and Facility Fees. The functions shifted from state support to student fee support are:

  • Associate Vice Chancellor salary and benefits $96,225
  • Director of Student Involvement partial salary and benefits $87,033
  • Judicial Affairs $160,456

Reductions in state support not shifted to student fees $82,000 The reductions to fund these shifts are listed below.

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs $82,000
Eliminate equivalent of 4.0 GA's ($16,000 +4,500 tuition remission each)
Nebraska Unions$85,774
Reduce sales clerk positions at City and East Campus Unions, 2.75 FTE ($85,774)
Campus Recreation $150,000
  • Eliminate strength training & conditioning student positions ($56,000): Relocate the Super Circuit to the renovated and enlarged Strength Training and Conditioning Room (STCR), thus reducing the need for current Super Circuit student staffing, or leave the Super Circuit in its current location and eliminate student supervision. STCR staff would still offer free orientations and supervision at select times of the day.
  • Eliminate one custodial position ($35,000): Reduce the total number of new custodians hired for the Outdoor Adventures Center and the East Campus Recreation Center from four to three. Assess the level of cleanliness achieved and maintained during the first year of operation.
  • Eliminate one Group Fitness G.A. position ($24,000): With the hiring of a full-time Group Fitness Coordinator, eliminate the Group Fitness Graduate Assistant position. The current graduate assistant will graduate in May of 2014.
  • Reduce Grounds Keeping Expenses ($5,000): Reduce the amount in the student hourly wage line. This line was underutilized this past year.
  • Reduce Campus Rec student employee workforce ($21,000): Increase the number of Federal Work-Study eligible student employees by fall 2014 and decrease number of regular student employees.
  • Increase facility rental rates for non-UNL groups ($2,000): Fleming Fields Recreational Sports Park is the primary venue where we rent activity space to community groups. This is the preeminent youth baseball/softball venue in Lincoln and is in high demand during the summer months. Therefore, it is believed rental rates can be increased modestly without a decrease in usage.
  • Raise daily guest pay fee ($7,000): Raise the daily guest pass fee from its current rate of $6 to $10. This would put us on par with rates at Lincoln Health Clubs.
University Health Center $58,000

Reduce travel & training budget ($10,000); Reduce small equipment budget ($48,000). This includes extending the life of computers and other IT equipment for an additional year or 2.

Housing and Dining Services $50,000
Reduce operating budget
Business and Finance$100,000
Facilities Management & Planning - Building Systems Maintenance Custodial Services
Reduce frequency of floor burnishing. Burnish floors once per month rather than once per week. Reduction in FTEs will be handled through attrition.
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR)$406,000
IANR Educational Media
Reduce the state-appropriated support provided. Opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs will be identified through an analysis by the IANR Resource Optimization Task Force of how media support resources are allocated and employed across the Institute.
UNL Total$4,650,000