Present:                        Bender, Bryant, Jackson, Prochaska Cue, Scheideler, Siekman,      

                        Whitt, Zorn


Absent:        Aguilar, Fuller, Humes, Latta, Miller


Date:             Wednesday, June 7, 2000


Location:      201 Canfield Administration Building


1.0      Call to Order

                    Scheideler called the meeting to order at 2:34 PM.


2.0            Announcements

            2.1            Meeting with Vice Chancellor Griesen

Scheideler reported that she met with Vice Chancellor Griesen to discuss the possible use of Pepsi Funds to award scholarships to faculty/staff dependents.  She noted that admissions received approximately 200 applications yearly from faculty/staff dependents.  She suggested that 20 students could be targeted for a scholarship of $1000 each.  She stated that she will write a proposal and try to get support from UNOPA and UAAD.  She pointed out that the E.N. Thompson Forum has received another influx of funds.  Prochaska Cue noted that it is important not to consider these scholarships as a benefit to employees since they cannot be extended to all faculty and staff.  Jackson stated that the Senate needs to continue working on the issue of transferring employee tuition benefits to dependents.


3.0     Associate Vice Chancellor Brinkerhoff

            3.1            Intellectual Property Ownership Policy

Scheideler asked for a status update on the Intellectual Property Ownership Policy.  Associate VC Brinkerhoff stated that it was discussed at the Council of Academic Officers and that some modest revisions were made to the previous draft.  He noted that central administration is planning to take the policy to the Board of Regents in July.  Scheideler pointed out that the Academic Senate passed a resolution outlining faculty concerns with the policy.  She stated that the latest draft does not address these concerns, particularly the document's overall ambiguity.  VC Brinkerhoff stated that he will find out what the process was for revising the document and that he will check to see what happened with the Senate resolution.  He pointed out that it might be possible to delay its July presentation to the Board of Regents.


4.0     Approval of 5/25/00 Minutes (Jackson)

Bryant moved and Bender seconded approval of the minutes.  Motion approved.



5.0       Dr. Susanna Finnell, Director of Admissions

Dr. Finnell stated that she has been very impressed with the interest shown by the faculty in regards to admissions since she came to UNL in January.  She noted that a large part of their effort goes toward new student recruitment.  Recruitment strategies include increasing indirect marketing, visiting high schools in Nebraska, hosting receptions for prospective students on campus, having extended campus visit programs, and a telecounseling program.  She noted that they focus heavily on recruiting students in Nebraska, however, she pointed out that they do recruit out of state and have an international initiative. She stated that she and her staff continue to pursue other recruiting methods and that they will continue to focus on recruitment.  


Dr. Finnell stated that this year they are conducting a summer honors colloquium on campus with approximately 200 students attending.  She stated that these students will visit campus and that the program entails considerable faculty involvement associated with collaborative learning exercises.  Scheideler suggested that the Admissions office should share the program schedule with the Academic Senate so that more faculty can be involved in the colloquium.


Dr. Finnell noted that the new Visitor's Center would be helpful in recruiting students.  She stated that they are hoping to increase enrollment each year and that there must be a sustained effort in recruitment.  She stated that the cost of recruiting a student has quadrupled in recent years, but that continued funding is necessary if we want to recruit seriously.  She pointed out that it is crucial to let students know that we are very interested in them.  She stated that the goals of the admissions office are:  a) to increase overall enrollment, b) to increase enrollment of students of color, and c) make the admissions office a good place to work (in order to retain staff members).  


Scheideler asked if the burden of high school visits places a great deal of stress on the employees of the admissions office.  Finnell responded that the time involved in the high school visits is taxing on the employees, which has resulted in a high turnover rate.  Scheideler asked whether the recruiters make contact with the advisors or school administrators.  Finnell stated that in small schools it can be difficult to meet administrators and to make contacts.  Scheideler asked if the extension educators could help in making these contacts.  Finnell stated that they are currently working on this and she noted that extension might fund a coordinator in the admissions office.  Jackson asked how her office relates/interacts with graduate admissions.  Finnell indicated that the processes are very different and therefore they do not have a relationship with each other.  Finnell pointed out that there are some inefficiencies in the admissions process that need to be resolved.  She noted that we need to deal differently with those students admitted with deficiencies.  Bryant suggested that goodwill could be made by having someone available to welcome new students to campus.  


6.0            Interim Vice Chancellor Lewis and Assistant Vice Chancellor Richard McDermott, Facilities Management and Planning

6.1        Business Services

Interim Vice Chancellor Lewis stated that in speaking with Interim Chancellor Perlman, it was decided not to cut custodial services this year.  He noted that they are considering conducting a survey on campus to get a sense of what the campus community considers to be priority business services.  


6.2        Pepsi Funds

Scheideler stated that the Executive Committee discussed proposals from the Senate for some of the Pepsi Funds.  She noted that the Committee is still in favor of supporting speakers, but that they are also interested in having small scholarships available for faculty and staff dependents.  Lewis stated that the Pepsi Advisory Committee welcomes proposals from the Senate.  He pointed out that funding comes in two ways:  a) the annual allotment and b) the endowment itself.  He noted that there is flexibility in how the funds can be used.  Zorn asked if the Pepsi contract is unusual compared to other universities.  Lewis pointed out that the big difference is that UNL received the $11 million up front as a quasi-endowment fund.  


6.3        Travel Contract

Interim Vice Chancellor Lewis stated that the travel contact has been signed with Travel & Transport.  He noted that staff members from Business and Finance will be meeting with groups on campus to discuss the contract.  He pointed out that this is a five-year contract but that there is a provision whereby either party can terminate the agreement in 30 days.  Scheideler pointed out that there needs to be a sufficient grace period to allow faculty to adjust to the new procedures.  Lewis stated that he hopes this to be a customer friendly service with web access to flight schedules.  


6.4        Size of Faculty Offices (Bryant)

Bryant asked how the allotted faculty office size was determined.  McDermott indicated that the office of Institutional Research and Planning was involved in that decision.  He stated that the administration was involved in an accountability of space 10-15 years ago and that the university must be in compliance with state guidelines.  Bryant pointed out that the current standard faculty office size is not very and that the university is creating facilities that do not allow faculty to function efficiently.  McDermott stated that a national association is currently reviewing the standard for office space.  He pointed out that the university uses space inefficiently due to the lack of appropriate storage facilities.  


6.5        Construction On Campus

Interim Vice Chancellor Lewis stated that construction will begin soon on the parking garage at 17th & R streets.  He stated that there will be approximately 1,715 stalls in the garage at a cost of less than $9,000 per stall.  He stated that renovation of the Security Mutual building, which will house the College of  Journalism, has begun.  He noted that the renovation of this building includes the parking lot located next to the building.  He stated that the lot on the southwest corner of 16th and Vine streets would become temporary parking.  McDermott pointed out that there is a state-law mandated 2% assessment placed on each new building for future repair.  He noted that this cost does not include building upkeep and these costs must be absorbed into their (Business and Finance's) existing budget.


7.0            Unfinished Business

No unfinished business was discussed.


8.0       New Business

No new business was discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:44 PM.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be at 2:30 PM on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 201 Canfield Administration Building.  Respectfully submitted, David S. Jackson, Secretary.