GPR Illustrations


Please include complete permission information for all illustrations. Written permission from the institution or individual holding the copyright for all illustrations must be provided before publication and must include the following statement:

Nonexclusive rights are granted to reprint this illustration in both print and electronic formats for the life of the article.

All costs for obtaining and reprinting images will be the responsibility of the author.


All captions should be concise and include source and permission information. Please indicate insertion placement in your manuscript.


All figures should be referenced in the text according to the Style Sheet.

All figures should be at least 2 5/8 in. wide and no more than 7.5 in tall so there is room for a caption under the figure.

Figures may be submitted as black and white grayscale images or color images. The pictures may or may not be color in the print journal. The e-journal will have the color images.

Scanned images must be a minimum of 300 ppi (pixels per inch).

Do not insert graphic files into your article. Do not send figures as computer slide presentation graphics or word processing graphics.


The Center for Great Plains Studies can work with authors to create a map for your journal article. Many times, an article can be enhanced even with the addition of a simple map locating a town or county. More complicated maps will depend on the data available. We can also add styling to map bases you’ve created. Here are some examples. Contact our Editorial Assistant with specific questions or more information.

locator map
locator map
locator map
locator map

If you are creating your own map, be sure you included a distance scale and a north arrow. Enlarged details of maps should reflect the same area and shape of the map. Geographic places mentioned in the text should be shown on a map. Use a sans-serif font such as Arial.

Electronic artwork

Halftone images should be scanned at a minimum of 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Line art should be scanned at 1200 ppi. Please note that many images downloaded from or saved for the Internet are in JPEG, PNG or GIF format and will be 72 dpi and are not acceptable for the printing process.

Indicate the file format of the graphics. We accept TIFF, EPS format and large JPEG files.

The figure looks fine on my screen. Why isn't it acceptable?

When imported into the GPR layout program, figures may not have the resolution you believe they have.

Should I insert my images in the text of my article?

No, please submit each image as a separate file.

What format do you require for image files?

We prefer TIFF, EPS or large JPEG images.

What resolution size is preferred for images?

For print publication we need images that are 300 dpi or larger. To change the dpi in Photoshop, you first need a picture that is at least 2,000 pixels in its smallest measurement. From the menu, choose: Image > Image Size. Then UNCHECK the 'Resample Image' checkbox on the bottom, if you don't do this, it will make the picture grainy. You'll see that the pixel dimensions are no longer editable. Then change the resolution to 300. Always save a new copy.

Can I download images from a website and submit them to you?

Images downloaded from a website are sometimes low resolution and not suitable for print.

Do I need permission to use images?

Yes, any images that are not in the public domain or created by you will need permission from the institution or individual that owns them.

Can I submit color images?

We can print color images, but there is a limited number available in each issue. Contact our Journals Editorial Assistant for more information.

Can I submit images of any size?

We prefer images be larger than 2 5/8 inches wide and they must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

What about photographs I take myself?

No problem as long as they are good quality images as already described here.

The images I have are not very good. Can you still use them?

If you are unsure about the quality of your images, please send us a copy and we will let you know if the image can be used.

The images have watermarks / scratches / smudges. Can you still use them?

If they are historical photos, our policy is to use them as they appear. If they are contemporary images we would not recommend using them.

Can you crop a photograph and use only part of the image for the article?

If necessary we can use a detail of a photograph, if we have permission to use the full-size photograph.

Updated April 2015