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During the summer of 2010, attention within the lab was focused on research supported by a $750,000 Human and Social Dynamics grant from the National Science Foundation. This grant made it possible for nearly 350 subjects to be brought one by one to the physiology lab and, in many cases, for those same subjects to be brought back again for brain imaging, eye tracking and endocrinological analyses.
Since background information on political orientations, personality traits, and all manner of demographics has been collected, this data base is an unusually rich source of analyses and projects for years to come.
Now, attention in the Lab is focused on anlyzing these data and writing up the results. Some of the initial analyses of this data are listed under "Working Papers" below.
In the last few years, articles published by scholars affiliated with the physiology lab have been published in the American Political Science Review, American Joural of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Political Psychology, Attention, Perception, and Psychophysiology, and Science. Nearly all of these published works included graduate students or former graduate students as co-authors, and many of them (plus other writings) can be found below.
Published Research
Friesen, Amanda, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing. 2017. Physiological Arousal and Self-Reported Valence for Erotic Images Correlate with Sexual Policy Preferences. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29(3): 449-470.
Gonzalez, Frank J., Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing. "No Longer Beyond Our Scope: The Biological Underpinnings of Political Attitudes." In A. Berinsky (Ed.), New Directions 1/5 in Public Opinion (2nd Edition). New York, NY: Routledge.
Wagner, Michael W., Kristen D. Deppe, Carly M. Jacobs, Michael W. Gruszczynski, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing. 2015. Beyond Survey Self-Reports: Using Physiology to Tap Political Orientations. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27(3): 303-317.
Gruszczynski, Michael, Amanda (Friesen) Balzer, Carly M. Jacobs, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibing. 2013. The Physiology of Political Participation. Political Behavior 35: 135-152.
Balzer, Amanda, and Carly M. Jacobs. Gender and Physiological Effects in Connecting Disgust to Political Preferences. Social Science Quarterly 92(5): 1297-1313.
Gruszzynski, Michael, Amanda Balzer, Carly M. Jacobs, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing. The Physiology of Political Participation. Political Behavior. Forthcoming.
Dodd, Michael D., Amanda Balzer, Carly Jacobs, Michaal Grusczynszki, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing. 2011. The Left Rolls with the Good; The Right Confronts the Bad: Physiology and Cognition in Politics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Forthcoming.
Smith, Kevin B., Douglas Oxley, Matthew V. Hibbing, John R. Alford and John R. Hibbing. Disgust Sensitivity and the Neurophysiology of Left-Right Political Orientations. PLoS One. 6(10): e25552.
Smith, Kevin B., Douglas R. Oxley, Matthew Hibbing, John Alford and John Hibbing. 2011. Linking Genetics and Political Attitudes: Re-Conceptualizing Political Ideology Political Psychology. 32: 369-397.
Dodd, Michael D., John R. Hibbing, and Kevin B. Smith. 2011. The Politics of Attention: Gaze-Cuing Effects Are Moderated by Political Temperament. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. 73: 24-29.
Alford, John R., Peter K. Hatemi, John R. Hibbing, Nicholas G. Martin, and Lindon J. Eaves. 2011. The Politics of Mate Choice. Journal of Politics.73: 362-379.
Hatemi, Peter .K., John R. Hibbing, Sarah E. Medland, Matthew C. Keller, John R. Alford, Kevin B. Smith, Nicholas G. Martin, and Lindon J. Eaves. 2010. Not by Twins Alone: Using the Extended Family Design to Investigate Genetic Influence on Political Beliefs. American Journal of Political Science. 54: 798-814.
Oxley, Douglas R., Kevin B. Smith, John R. Alford, Matthew V. Hibbing, Jennifer L. Miller, Mario Scalora, Peter K. Hatemi, and John R. Hibbing. 2008. Political Attitudes Vary with Physiological Traits. Science. 321: 1667-1670.
Hibbing, John R., and Kevin B. Smith. 2007. The Biology of Political Behavior. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 617: 6-14.
Smith, Kevin B., Christopher Larimer, Levente Littvay, and John R. Hibbing. 2007. Evolutionary Theory and Political Leadership: Why Certain People Do Not Trust Decision Makers. Journal of Politics. 69(2): 285-299.
Smith, Kevin B. 2006. Representational Altruism: The Wary Cooperator as Authoritative Decision Maker. American Journal of Political Science. 50(4): 1013-1022.
Alford, John R., Carolyn L. Funk, and John R. Hibbing. 2005. Are Political Orientations Genetically Transmitted? American Political Science Review. 99: 153-167.
Conference Presentations
Giuseffi, Karl, John Garza, Kevin B. Smith, John R. Hibbing, and Kimberly Andrews Espy. 2012. Differences in Brain Activation Patterns between Liberals and Conservatives in Response to Emotional Faces. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting.
Jacobs, Carly, John R. Hibbing, and Kevin B. Smith. 2012. How Politics Make You Smile (or Not): Markers of Ideology and Emotion in Facial Muscle Response. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting.
Working Papers
Smith, Kevin, Amanda Balzer, Michael Gruszczynski, Carly Jacobs, John Alford, Scott Stoltenberg, and John Hibbing. Political Orientations May Vary With Detection of the Odor of Androstenone. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
French, Jeffrey, Kevin Smith, Adam Guck and John Hibbing. The Stress of Politics: Endocrinology and Voter Participation. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.
Mitchell, Dona-Gene, Matthew Hibbing, Kevin Smith and John Hibbing. Side by Side Worlds Apart: Liberals' and Conservatives' Distinct Perceptions of Political Reality. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Hibbing, John. R., and Kevin B. Smith. 2011. Biology, Ideology and Epistemology: How Do We Know Political Attitudes Are Inherited and Why Should We Care? University of Nebraska-Lincon. Lincoln, NE.
McClean, Scott. P., John P. Garza, Sandra A. Wiebe, Michael D. Dodd, Kevin B. Smith, John R. Hibbing, and Kimberly Andrews-Espy. 2011. The Differential Attention Biases of Liberals and Conservatives. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE.