////////////////////////////// // !THEME / COMPONENTS / FORMS ////////////////////////////// // !Form Group .unl .dcf-form-group { @include mb-4; } // !Label .unl .dcf-label { @include font-sans; } // !Required .unl .dcf-required { color: $scarlet; @include txt-xs; font-style: italic; @include pl-2; } // !Inputs .unl .dcf-input-text, .unl .dcf-input-file { @include font-sans; } // !Input: Text .unl .dcf-input-text { border: 1px solid $color-border; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px fade-out($color-border,1); @include pb-2; @include pl-3; @include pr-3; @include pt-2; transition: border-color $hover-off, box-shadow $hover-off; } .unl .dcf-input-text:hover { border-color: $color-border-hover; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px fade-out($color-border,.5); transition: border-color $hover-on, box-shadow $hover-on; } .unl .dcf-input-text:focus { border-color: $color-button; outline: none; } .unl .dcf-label + .dcf-input-text { @include mt-1; } // !Input: Control .unl .dcf-input-control { @include mr-1; } // !Input: File .unl .dcf-input-file { @include mb-2; @include mt-2; } // !Form Help .unl .dcf-form-help { color: $color-light-text; @include txt-xs; @include mt-1; } // Uses Filament Group's select-css: https://github.com/filamentgroup/select-css /* Container used for styling the custom select, the buttom class below adds the * bg gradient, corners, etc. */ .unl .dcf-input-select { display: table; @include mt-1; position: relative; /* These are the "theme" styles for our button applied via separate button class, style as you like */ /* Set the background fallback to solid #fff so Firefox renders the