////////////////////////////// // THEME / COMPONENTS / HEADER ////////////////////////////// .unl .dcf-header a.dcf-institution-title:link, .unl .dcf-header a.dcf-institution-title:visited, .unl .dcf-header-global button { color: $color-brand-alpha; // Force visited links in the global header and logo to remain scarlet (light mode) and lightest gray (dark mode). } .unl .dcf-site-group { min-height: #{ms(8)}em; // Vertically center site group (affiliation and title) by providing a minimum height equal to the adjacent Nebraska N logo. } .unl .dcf-site-affiliation a { display: inline-block; padding-bottom: #{ms(-10)}em; } .unl .dcf-site-group a, .unl .dcf-site-group a:visited { color: $color-heading; } .unl .dcf-header a.dcf-institution-title:hover, .unl .dcf-header-global button:hover, .unl .dcf-site-group a:hover { color: $color-hover; } @include mq(md, max, width) { .unl .dcf-header .dcf-institution-title { display: none; } .unl .dcf-logo-lockup { @include pb-4; } } @include mq(md, min, width) { .unl .dcf-header-global { border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color-gray-light; padding-top: #{ms(-12)}em; } .unl .dcf-nav-global { flex-grow: 3; } .unl .dcf-header-global-item { margin-left: $length-vw-1; } .unl .dcf-logo-lockup { padding-bottom: #{ms(1)}em; } }