///////////////////////////// // THEME / ELEMENTS / ANCHORS ///////////////////////////// // Finds anchor tags with hrefs that begin with `//`, `http://` or `https://`, do not contain `unl.edu`, and do not contain images or SVGs .unl a[href^='//']:not([href*='unl.edu']):not(:has(img)):not(:has(svg))::after, .unl a[href^='http://']:not([href*='unl.edu']):not(:has(img)):not(:has(svg))::after, .unl a[href^='https://']:not([href*='unl.edu']):not(:has(img)):not(:has(svg))::after { background-color: currentColor; content: ''; display: inline-block; @include h-3; margin-left: #{ms(-8)}em; margin-right: #{ms(-16)}em; mask-image: url('../images/external-link.svg'); // Use SVG as a mask to show the background-color mask-position: 50% 50%; mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-size: contain; position: relative; @include w-3; }