////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THEME / VARIABLES / FORMS - CHECKBOXES & RADIOS ////////////////////////////////////////////////// @import '_variables.body'; @import '_variables.modular-scale'; @import '_variables.sizing'; // Background color $bg-color-radio-dot: var(--body); // Radio "dot" color (created using background-color) // Border color $border-color-checkmark: var(--body); // Checkmark color (created using borders) $border-color-input-checked: var(--body); // Border-color of input when checked // Border width $border-width-checkmark: #{ms(-12)}em; // Border-width of border used to create checkmark // Height & width $height-width-checkbox-radio: $length-em-6; // Height & width for checkboxes and radios // Margin $margin-bottom-checkbox-radio: $length-em-2; // Margin-bottom for checkboxes and radios // Padding $padding-left-checkbox-radio: $length-em-7; // Padding-left for checkboxes and radios // Transform $scale-radio-start: #{ms(-8)}; // Checked radio scale value start: .32em $scale-radio-end: #{ms(-4)}; // Checked radio scale value end: .56em // Transition $transition-check-duration: .05s; // Duration of scale transition when checkbox is checked $transition-check-timing: ease-out; // Timing function of scale transition when checkbox is checked $transition-radio-duration: .05s; // Duration of scale transition when radio is checked $transition-radio-timing: ease-out; // Timing function of scale transition when radio is checked