
CRPL 802 Planning Theory: 
Planning theory is critical knowledge foundations for planning practitioners and scholars. This course provides an overview of the literature on planning theory. By reviewing recent planning theories, the course will provide students with an understanding of the political, organizational elements that contribute to effective planning. It is a required course for Master of Community and Regional Planning students.

CRPL 470/870 Environmental Planning and Policy:
This is an introductory level course for environmental planning and policy. This course will cover a broad range of topics associated with environmental planning and policies. Environmental planning aims to merge the practice of land use planning with the concerns of environmental protection. The course will focus not only on single media (e.g. air, water, waste) or species approaches, but also on planning for entire environmental system and related environmental policies in the United States. This course is intended for undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in solving the practical problems associated with environmental planning and is open to students in all departments, including Community and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Natural Resources Management, Wildlife and Fisheries, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Public Policy, Agricultural Management, Rangeland Ecology, and others. The course will be problem-based, where students will have the opportunity to apply the principles of environmental planning to realistic problems and settings. The content will prepare students for the interdisciplinary, complex, and conflict-driven problems they will have to address when working in the environmental arena.

CRPL 471/871 Environmental Impact Assessment (Online class):
This is an online class to provide an overview of “environmental impact assessment” in the United States. This course explores how to conduct environmental impact assessments, environmental impact analysis, review of environmental impact statements, and use of various regulatory review processes. It emphasizes the significant environmental legislation - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA applies to all federal agencies and most of the projects and decisions. This class introduces the background and implementation of the NEPA, and explains the preparation of environmental impact statements (EISs). This class covers the major themes of environmental impacts assessment, including air pollution, water quality, land resources, cultural resources, archaeology, traffic, noise, transportation, and so on. This interdisciplinary class fits students in all departments, including Natural Resources Management, Environmental Studies, Civil Engineering, Wildlife and Fisheries, Planning, Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Public Policy, and others. A series of cases will be introduced to enhance students’ understanding for the environmental assessment process. More importantly, students will gain practical field experience in applying the theories, principles, procedures, and methods of environmental impact assessments. This class will incorporate invited speakers and field trips to provide a first-hand glimpse of the major environmental impact assessment issues.    

CRPL 433/833: GIS Application in Environmental Design and Planning: 
This course provides an introduction of contemporary theories, principles, and methods of environmental survey and analysis in environmental design and planning. It includes an analysis of the critical environmental elements, their interrelationships, and human interactions in environmental design and planning. This course emphasizes synthesizing Geographical Information System (GIS) spatial analysis skills and environmental analysis knowledge into a coherent concept for practical applications. By the end of the course, it is expected that students will have the ability to use GIS to perform environmental spatial analysis and site analysis.

CRPL 472/872: Hazard Mitigation Planning:
This is an introductory class for upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students. Hazard mitigation planning has its roots in the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 which sought to broaden the scope of disaster relief programs and encourage the development of community level plans focused on mitigating potential impacts from natural hazards.  The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 extends the hazard mitigation planning requirements from just the state level to local levels. Since 2000, over 10,000 local jurisdictions have developed local hazard mitigation plans. Local government entities are required to develop and submit local hazard mitigation plans in order to be eligible to receive federal funds, including the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program, and Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. Planning ahead of disasters can help reduce community vulnerabilities and increase resiliency in the disaster management cycle: mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery. This class is designed for students with majors in Planning, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Natural Resources Management, Public Administration, Political Science, and so on. Local news reports for the Winslow flood recovery and resilience planning project in 2019’s hazard mitigation planning class:  UNL students hold research presentation after work with Winslow;   UNL students helping residents of Winslow in considering move to higher groundSpring floods give UNL planning class opportunity for real-world experience