University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty, staff, and students are expected to use all computing resources responsibly and are expected to adhere to guidelines and policies as set forth by the university and laws and regulations of federal, state and local government.
UNL Privacy Policy
This document, as approved by the UNL Faculty Senate, January 2003, provides the official privacy statement from the university that all university web providers should abide by and make available to the public.
Executive Memorandum No. 16
This document sets forth the University of Nebraska’s administrative policy and provides guidance relating to responsible use of the University’s electronic information systems.
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
This document is the U.S. Copyright Office Summary PDF file. Additional information is available from the U.S. Copyright Office.
Guidelines for Use of Computing Resources at UNL
This document supersedes all previously released versions of the following documents:
- Guidelines for Use of Computing Resources at UNL
- Policies for Use of Computing Resources
- Ethical Principles for the Use of UNL Computing Resources
This document outlines guidelines for computing resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln including information regarding responsible use of resources and enforcement of sanctions associated with violations of responsible use.
I. Computing Resources
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers computing resources for use by UNL faculty, staff and students. These resources include information resources, technology and network systems, as outlined in Executive Memorandum No. 16 titled ‘Policy for Responsible Use of University Computers and Information Systems’. All users are expected to respect these resources.
A failure to abide by the guidelines outlined in this document may result in the imposition of one or more of the following sanctions:
- denial of access to information resources and networks,
- disciplinary action by UNL,
- civil action,
- and/or criminal prosecution.
II. Policies Governing Responsible Use of Computing Resources
- Executive Memorandum No. 16 (Policy for Responsible Use of University Computers and Information Systems)
- The UNL Student Code of Conduct, from Student Judicial Affairs
- UNL’s Business Policies and Procedures manual (available in each department)
III. Illustrative Prohibited Acts
Executive Memorandum No. 16, section 6 provides a non-exhaustive list of acts that are prohibited and that may subject a user to sanctions.
IV. Enforcement
This section of the document fulfills the requirement set forth by Executive Memorandum No. 16 to provide policy enforcement information for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln campus.
The Chief Information Officer or designee is authorized to monitor the use of computing resources, to protect computing resources as well as the rights of computing resource users, and to recommend the imposition of sanctions against any person who violates these guidelines.
The Student Judicial Affairs and/or University Legal Counsel may request in writing that the Chief Information Officer furnish specific information relating to alleged abuse of computing resources.
The Chief Information Officer is authorized to provide such information or files upon such written request. Student Judicial Affairs shall notify the alleged abuser that such information has been received.
V. Dissemination
These guidelines shall be distributed to all University computer users, be displayed prominently in all public access computing facilities at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and be accessible via UNL’s web site. For further information relative to these guidelines, please contact the Information Services Help Desk at or 472-3970.
Adopted March 9, 1999