Lab Equipment and Locations

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Equipment Name: Location: Subject: Image:
2-Finger Clamp JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
3-Finger Clamp JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
8 Pin DIN Extension Cable JH 111A - Cabinet #1 General ””
Air Hoses and Gauges JH 111A - Cabinet #35 Mechanics ””
Aluminum Foil JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Banana Cable Ends JH 139A - Cabinet #50 E&M ””
Balloons JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Banana Cables JH 139A - Cabinet #29 E&M ””
Bar Masses JH 111A - Cabinet #MX Mechanics ””
Bathroom Scales JH 111A - Cabinet #MX Mechanics ””
Batteries JH 111A - Cabinet #38 E&M ””
Batteries with Wires JH 139A - Cabinet #50 E&M ””
Bouncing Balls JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Box of Gummy Worms JH 111A - Cabinet #1 Mechanics ””
Box of protractors JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Box of String JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Bricks JH 111A - Cabinet #7 General ””
Bulb Holder JH 139A - Cabinet #50 E&M ””
Calorimeter JH 111A - Cabinet #6 Thermal ””
Calorimeter Sample Holder JH 111A - Cabinet #6 Thermal ””
Cardboard Pieces JH 111A - Near Cabinet #6 by window General ””
Carpet Pieces JH 111A - Cabinet #14 Mechanics ””
Cart Flags JH 111A - Cabinet #2 Mechanics ””
Chirping Chicks and Variable AC JH 139A - Cabinet #51 E&M ””
Circuit Blocks JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
Circular Objects JH 111A - Cabinet #4 General ””
Cleaning Fluids JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Cloth Bags JH 111A - Cabinet #15 General ””
Coffee Filters JH 111A - Cabinet #13 General ””
Coil Covers and Coil Boxes JH 139A - Cabinet #51 E&M ””
Coils and Ushaped Wires JH 139A - Cabinet #51 E&M ””
Color Blindness Test JH 139A - Cabinet #25 E&M ””
Conductive Paper, Tape, and Cork Board JH 139A - Cabinet #26 E&M ””
Constant Acceleration Trucks JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Constant Velocity Trucks JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Demonstration Collision Cart JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Diffraction Gratings JH 139A - Cabinet #61 Optics ””
Diodes and Capacitors JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
Discharge Tube PowerSupply JH 139A - Cabinet #61 Optics ””
Discharge Tubes JH 139A - Cabinet #61 Optics ””
DMM Probe Wires JH 139A - Cabinet #29 E&M ””
Dumbbells JH 111A - Cabinet #MX Mechanics ””
Dynamic Springs JH 111A - Cabinet #2 Mechanics ””
EKG Sensors JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
Elastic Wraps JH 111A - Cabinet #1 General ””
Electric Kettle JH 111A - Cabinet #5 Thermal ””
Electrodes JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
E/M apparatus JH 139A - Cabinet #26 E&M ””
Erasable Markers JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Eyechart JH 139A - Cabinet #57 Optics ””
Eye Model & Lenses JH 139A - Cabinet #57 Optics ””
Fan Carts JH 111A - Cabinet #2 Mechanics ””
Fe Filings / Compasses / Magnetizer JH 139A - Cabinet #51 E&M ””
Fiestaware JH 139A - Cabinet #62 Nuclear ””
Force Platforms JH 111A - Cabinet #14 Mechanics ””
Force Platform Handles JH 111A - Cabinet #14 Mechanics ””
Force Sensor Accessories JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Mechanics ””
Friction Accessory Carts JH 111A - Cabinet #2 Mechanics ””
Frictionless Cart JH 111A - Cabinet #2 Mechanics ””
Frictionless Track Endstop JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Mechanics ””
Frictionless Track Brackets JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Mechanics ””
Fuses JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
GM Counter JH 139A - Cabinet #62 Nuclear ””
Graduated Cylinders JH 111A - Cabinet #5 Thermal ””
H2O Thermometer JH 111A - Cabinet #6 Thermal ””
Hanging Masses JH 111A - Cabinet #MX Mechanics ””
He/Ne & Diode Lasers JH 139A - Cabinet #27 Optics ””
He/Ne Laser Holder JH 139A - Cabinet #27 Optics ””
Hexagonal Masses JH 111A - Cabinet #MX Mechanics ””
Hg Sources JH 139A - Cabinet #58 Optics ””
High Current Power Supply JH 139A - Cabinet #29 E&M ””
Inductors JH 139A - Cabinet #27 E&M ””
Inertia Batons JH 111A - Cabinet #35 Mechanics ””
Interferometer JH 139A - Cabinet #58 Optics ””
Intervening Material JH 139A - Cabinet #62 Nuclear ””
Jumping Toys JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Lamps JH 139A - Cabinet #56 Optics ””
Large C Clamps JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
Low Friction Trakcs JH 111A - Near Windows Mechanics ””
Magnetic Field Sensors JH 111A - Cabinet #21 E&M ””
Makeup Packets JH 111A - Cabinet #4 General ””
Marking Paper and Foam Board JH 139A - Cabinet #55 Optics ””
Measuring Tape JH 111A - Cabinet #4 General ””
Metal Tongs JH 111A - Cabinet #6 Thermal ””
Metal Rods JH 111A - Cabinet #3 General ””
Metal Rods for Carts JH 111A - Cabinet #3 General ””
Metal Samples JH 111A - Cabinet #5 Thermal ””
Meters and Low Votage Power Supply JH 139A - Cabinet #29 E&M ””
Meter stick balance and end caps JH 111A - Cabinet #15 Mechanics ””
Meter sticks JH 111A - Near Sink General ””
Miracle Thaw Plate JH 111A - Cabinet #5 Thermal ””
Miscellaneous Lenses JH 139A - Cabinet #56 Optics ””
Motion Sensor JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Mechanics ””
Motion Sensor Extension Cables JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Mechanics ””
Ohaus Scales All Lab Rooms General ””
Open the Door Demonstration JH 111A - Near Windows Mechanics ””
Optics Kits JH 139A - Cabinet #25 Optics ””
Paper Towels JH 111A - Cabinet #21 General ””
Pasco Acceleration Sensor JH 111A - Cabinet #1 Mechanics ””
Pasco Colorimeters JH 111A - Cabinet #21 Optics ””
Pasco Heat Engines JH 111A - Cabinet #1 Thermal ””
Pasco High Sensitivity Light Sensor JH 111A - Cabinet #21 Optics ””
Pasco Interference Slits JH 139A - Cabinet #27 Optics ””
Pasco Light Source JH 139A - Cabinet #55 Optics ””
Pasco Low Friction Pulleys JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Mechanics ””
Pasco Na Lamp JH 139A - Cabinet #62 Optics ””
Pasco Optics Bench JH 139A - Near Windows Optics ””
Pasco Optics Bench Accessories JH 139A - Cabinet #56 Optics ””
Pasco Power Supplies JH 139A - Cabinet #28 E&M ””
Pasco Power Supplies Power Cables JH 139A - Cabinet #28 E&M ””
Pasco Rotational Motion Sensors JH 111A - Cabinet #21 Mechanics ””
Pasco Stress vs. Strain Apparatus JH 111A - Cabinet #21 Mechanics ””
Pendulum Clamps JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ Mechanics ””
Pendulum Softballs JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Plastic Bins JH 111A - Cabinet #3 General ””
Plastic Sheet JH 111A - Cabinet #17 General ””
Potentiometer JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
Pressure Sensors JH 111A - Cabinet #21 Thermal ””
Pyrex Glassware JH 111A - Cabinet #6 Thermal ””
Radiation Button Sources JH 139A - Cabinet #62 Nuclear ””
Ray Box Power Supply JH 139A - Cabinet #25 Optics ””
Repair Station with Tools JH 139A - Near Sink General ””
Resister Storage Bin JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
Resonance Tubes JH 111A - Cabinet #17 and on top of cabine #17 Sound ””
Right Angle Clamps JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
Ring Clamps JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
Rods and Table Mounts JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
Rotating Platform JH 111A - Cabinet #14 Mechanics ””
Rotational Dynamics Apparatus JH 111A - Cabinet #35 Mechanics ””
Rotational Dynamics Apparatus Accessories JH 111A - Cabinet #34 Mechanics ””
Rotational Dynamics Apparatus Discs JH 111A - Cabinet #34 Mechanics ””
Rotational Dynamics Apparatus Inertia Objects JH 111A - Cabinet #34 Mechanics ””
Rubber Bands JH 111A - Cabinet #13 General ””
Sample Bunnies JH 139A - Cabinet #62 Nuclear ””
Sample Shoes JH 111A - Cabinet #14 Mechanics ””
Sand Bags JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ Mechanics ””
Short Slinkies JH 111A - Cabinet #4 Mechanics ””
Silk/Wool, Rods, and Pithballs JH 139A - Cabinet #50 E&M ””
Singing Rods JH 111A - Cabinet #15 Sound ””
Slotted Masses JH 111A - Cabinet #MX Mechanics ””
Small C Clamps JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ General ””
Smooth Balls JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Sound Sensors JH 111A - Cabinet #21 Sound ””
Spectrometer Cloths JH 139A - Cabinet #61 Optics ””
Spectrometers JH 139A - Cabinet #61 Optics ””
Speed of Sound Tubes JH 111A - Near Windows Sound ””
Spring Scales JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ Mechanics ””
Standard Computer Station All Lab Rooms General ””
Step Ladder JH 111A - Near Sink General ””
Strain Wire JH 111A - Cabinet #1 Mechanics ””
Sargent Welch/Cenco Light Source JH 139A - Cabinet #55 Optics ””
Sargent Welch/Cenco Optics Bench Accessories JH 139A - Cabinet #57 Optics ””
Table Clamps with rods JH 111A - Near Sink General ””
Table Pulley Mounts JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ Mechanics ””
Table Pulleys JH 111A - Cabinet #MZ Mechanics ””
Temperature Sensors JH 111A - Cabinet #20 Thermal ””
Textbooks JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Thermometer Holder JH 111A - Cabinet #5 Thermal ””
Transparencies JH 111A - Cabinet #1 General ””
Tripods JH 111A - Cabinet #3 General ””
Tuning Fork Mallets JH 111A - Cabinet #15 Sound ””
Unsharpened Pencils JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Various Bumpers JH 111A - Cabinet #13 Mechanics ””
Various Magnets JH 139A - Cabinet #51 E&M ””
Various MiniBulbs JH 139A - Cabinet #50 E&M ””
Vernier Sensor Adaptors JH 139A - Cabinet #30 General ””
Vernier Calipers JH 111A - Cabinet #38 General ””
Vernier Force Sensor JH 139A - Cabinet #30 Mechanics ””
Vernier Light Sensor JH 139A - Cabinet #30 Optics ””
Vernier Motion Sensor JH 139A - Cabinet #30 Mechanics ””
Vernier Voltage Sensor JH 139A - Cabinet #30 E&M ””
Vibrating Fork and String JH 111A - Cabinet #15 Mechanics ””
Wave Slinkies and Springs JH 111A - Cabinet #4 Mechanics ””
Wooden Blocks JH 111A - Cabinet #4 General ””
Wooden Shapes JH 111A - Cabinet #4 General ””