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Leadership Training

During the Basic Course, freshman and sophomore years, an understanding of teamwork and leadership techniques is developed. This foundation of leadership is enhanced in practice application in rappelling, marksmanship, personal defense activities, land navigation and map reading, survival swimming, military weapons, drill and ceremony, leadership reaction exercises, and simulated small unit tactical exercises in field situations. In the Advance Course, junior and senior students plan, organize, and conduct the basic course leadership training program, field exercises, and enrichment activities. Leadership and managerial skills are further developed through these actives. See our yearly progression for information about specific classes..

College Degree

Military Science (Army ROTC) is not an academic major. Students earn commissions at the same time they earn an academic degree in any major of their choice. Credits earned through the Army ROTC program may apply towards a student's bachelor degree. The curriculum cuts across conventional subject boundaries and becomes interdisciplinary. It encourages reflective thinking, goal seeking and problem solving. Scholarships are available to help finance a college education. See the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Undergraduate Admissions home page for information on specific majors.

Physical Fitness

Physical Training is held three days a week. Cadets are encouraged to attend each session. Additional PT sessions are held twice a week for cadets not yet able to meet the standards of the Army Physical Fitness Test or for those who simply wish to increase their overall fitness. Physical fitness training techniques and principles for a healthy lifestyle are stressed throughout.


"The ROTC program has given me the ability to build bonds with other cadets that will last well beyond my college years. I'm a part of a collection of people who are unique but all have the same goal. I have a connection with over sixty other people that are more than willing to go well out of their way to lend a hand but expect the same in return. The bonds that I forge now will still be strong many years to come." - Cadet Nathan Jurgens

"The way I look at is, is I get to meet and become friends with a lot of great people while preparing myself for an exciting future after college." - Cadet Tim Mussack

"This program is great. I feel close to everyone in it and they push me to my limit. I have found out through this program that I have a lot of heart and need to work on my motivation. I think being in this program has made me a better person. What I enjoy most about this program is the people. Everyone is very accepting; they don't care who you are or where you're from. They like you for who you are." - Cadet Dusti Nichols

"I find comradarie in ROTC when I witness cadets motivating each other in PT. When cadets push each other to improve physically it is because we all know that we will be working together in the future and depend on one another's physical abilities for support." - Cadet Austin Ritzman

"You maintain a level of physical fitness that most people lose after high school, attend classes at one of the best colleges in the nation, and have the great cadre [faculty & staff] here at UNL to provide you with an excellent mentoring program. All that, as well as making some lifelong friends in the program... The cadre here are all very open to talking about anything that you want to approach them with... Some of the greatest experiences here would just have to be with my fellow cadets in the program. There are so many fun people to hang around with that it makes it extremely easy to come to college and feel like you have fifty new best friends." - Second Lieutenant Adam Brinkman


Four, Three, and Two Year Scholarships are available. Scholarships include tuition, a books stipend, and a monthly living stipend. Contracted cadets (Juniors and Seniors) also receive the monthly stipend even if they are non-scholarship.

Survival Skills

In addition to leadership and teamwork, cadets learn land navigation, how to set up a tent, weapons training, how to help someone who is injured, survival swimming, rappelling, and lots of other fun things.

Adventure & Travel

Cadets have the opportunity to attend specialty schools like Airborne, Air Assault, Mountain Warfare, and Northern Warfare schools held at various military bases around the country. Internships are another great way to gain experience. Pentagon and international internships are available.

Extracurricular Activities

Clubs and activities by and for cadets include Pershing Rifles, Ranger Challenge Team, Ranger Company, and Color Guard. These activities enhance social, professional, and fellowship opportunities. A number of intermural sports, student clubs, and organizations are also available. University athletes are encouraged to apply; ROTC will work around the practice and game schedules for University sports.

ROTC Learning Community

Abel Hall contains a learning community made of up cadets and midshipmen from the Army, Air Force, and Navy/Marines ROTC programs. It gives students an opportunity to live and study in a supportive environment with like minded individuals.

Color Guard at Commencement ranger challenge FTX Event Map Reading Lab lab Cadet Baker Completes a Map Reading Test 7
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