APC Procedures For the UNL Budget Reduction Process, Part Two - FY 2002

APRIL 18, 2002

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Procedures for Submitting Written Responses to Budget Reduction Proposals

Please direct department or unit responses to the Academic Planning Committee. Indicate the Budget Reduction Item that is being addressed and the department or unit making the response. Also indicate the name and phone number of the department or unit head submitting the response. To facilitate an expedient distribution of the responses to APC members, twenty copies of each unit response are requested.

Responses are due in the office of Institutional Research and Planning (332 Canfield Administration Building) by 12:00 noon April 26, 2002.

Departments or units with a proposed budget reduction may submit a written response and are encouraged not to exceed ten pages.

Departments or units that would be affected by a proposed reduction to another unit¹s budget may submit a written response of no more than one page.

Responses should be guided by the criteria section of the Procedures to be Invoked for Significant Budget Reallocations and Reductions. Refer to sections indicating that reduction or elimination or reorganization is inadvisable.

Further Information and Discussion Sessions

Based on reduction proposals and written responses received, APC may invite representatives from affected units to appear to clarify issues raised by the proposals or written responses received. Discussion sessions starting at 1:00 pm have been scheduled for May 2 and 3, 2002. The May 2 Discussion Session will be held in the East Campus Union. The May 3 Discussion Session will be held in the Nebraska Union on City Campus. A General Hearing available to anyone wishing to share thoughts with the APC about the proposed reductions will be held on May 1, 2002 starting at 1:00 pm in the Nebraska Union on City Campus. Rooms in which the discussion sessions and hearing will be held will be posted under "Academic Planning Committee Budget Hearings."

The format of the Discussion Sessions and General Hearing will be announced on April 30, 2002.

Recommendations to the Chancellor

The APC plans to conclude its deliberations and make its recommendations to the Chancellor by May 10, 2002. APC deliberations will be held in closed session.