Budget Reductions: Chancellor, Student Affairs, Business & Finance, Academic Affairs,
Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources
I. Anticipated Budget Status
UNL’s share of the total budget reduction for the University of Nebraska for FY 2010 is $3,753,000, after taking account of the 4% increase in tuition and the increase of 1.5% in salaries overall. This is a reduction of 1.10% to UNL’s Operating Budget.
II. The Budget Reduction Process
UNL by-laws, approved by the Board of Regents, establish the "Procedures to be Invoked for Significant Budget Reallocations and Reductions." Those procedures have been followed, including broad consultation with the University community. After consultation with the Academic Planning Committee, the Chancellor issued a General Budget Framework Document on March 5, 2009, that articulates the principles and establishes the time frame for the reduction process that governs these recommendations.
In preparation for the proposals below, the campus administration asked the Deans and Directors to present scenarios that reflected an approximately 5% reduction in their base budgets. The recommendations here were made after consultation with the Vice Chancellors, the Deans, and other unit managers. Fortunately, it turned out that we were not required to make such a drastic reduction this year, although we anticipate being required to make further reductions in the next fiscal year, FY2011.
III. Priorities and Structural Changes
The Board of Regents has directed that budget reductions should not adversely impact the priority programs that evolved from the prioritization process. In addition, the campus administration sought to preserve the core academic mission of the University. Thus every effort was made to reduce administration and support functions over impacting academic and service programs.
Several principles guided the process. First, we attempted to find organizational efficiencies without any cuts to faculty, staff, or programs. Second, the reductions are focused as much as possible on programs that were not part of the core focus of the university. Broadly speaking, the two main focus areas for UNL are undergraduate education and research. The significant reductions to the budget are, to the extent possible, in areas peripheral to these critical functions. Finally, we operated under the principal that significant cuts should be vertical rather than across the board. Although virtually every administrative area and college will be affected by the cuts, the cuts are not evenly spread among these units, nor is every department within these units included. This is the only way to maintain strength and momentum at the University and position us to move forward when economic conditions improve.
In the course of preparing for these reductions, several structural changes were explored to determine whether administrative efficiencies or enhanced services could be provided. The following structural changes are recommended:
1. Architecture - Reorganization of Community & Regional Planning Program with Landscape Architecture Program
The administrative and academic merger of the programs in Landscape Architecture and Community and Regional Planning presents the opportunity to reconsider the interdisciplinary and integrated professionalism of all four disciplines within the College of Architecture, including the programs in Interior Design and Architecture. All four academic programs will retain the policies and procedures required of their individual accreditation agencies while exploring innovative, collaborative and fully integrated educational models that have the potential for establishing a new educational paradigm for professional design education while minimizing the administrative costs associated with these programs.
The College of Architecture is in the process of establishing new "Centers for Design, Research and Innovation" which will be well served by the merger. Faculty from these programs have already begun collaborating on research grants and the formal merger of the programs will encourage further interdisciplinary activity.
One administrator will oversee the merged program and there will be one staff reduction. The existing administrator for CRP will return to a full-time faculty position. Both the LA faculty and the CRP faculty have met to discuss this reorganization and have raised no major objections. In fact, the focus has been on the opportunities this merger creates.
2. Engineering - Combine Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, and Industrial & Management Systems Engineering
This reorganization proposal has the potential to increase productive interaction among these departments in the College of Engineering in several ways. It will strengthen Engineering Mechanics because that department does not currently offer an undergraduate program, and it is designed to enhance the Industrial & Management Systems Engineering's graduate program by providing students access to more teaching faculty. In the future, the College will be able to offer an undergraduate materials engineering program, something currently offered only at the graduate level. Finally, the research strengths of the combined department should lead to greater success in pursuing external funds.
The reorganization involves eliminating three of the six administrative support staff positions in the combined department. It is expected that this combination will take a year to complete and temporary funds will be used in the interim to fund these positions. Although the proposed elimination of three administrative support staff positions will reduce the level of grant-writing support and general support available to the combined department, we expect reduced support to be partly offset by increased efficiencies gained through having a combined department.
We would not expect this proposal to have any impact on student credit hour production or impact the students' ability to complete their degree programs in a timely manner. Internal conversations have been held with faculty to discuss this proposed merger and they have been generally supportive.
3. Arts and Sciences - Revise UNL's Standards and Support for ESL Classes, Including Conversion of Some ESL Classes from Fees to Tuition Based
UNL recently reviewed its English proficiency standards for admission as well as Intensive English Proficiency Program. In the past, prospective undergraduate students whose English proficiency fell just short of the University's requirement were not admitted to UNL, although they were given the option of taking non-credit IEP courses. Under the new proposal, these students will be eligible for provisional admission and will be able to take the for-credit IEP courses and regular for-credit academic courses, thus making degree progress while acquiring the English proficiency necessary for full admission and academic success.
Currently, all IEP classes are fee-based, non-credit courses. Under the new plan, we will offer tuition-based, for-credit, advanced-level IEP courses (ENGL 140, 141, and 142). As a result of the conversion from fee-based courses to for-credit IEP courses UNL will generate a net growth of tuition revenue of $24,837 after covering the incremental costs of these course offerings.
IV. Budget Reductions
1. Chancellor, Student Affairs, Business & Finance
Chancellor's Office - Travel & Academic Enhancement Funds
The Chancellor's office is reducing its travel budget, which may result in the Chancellor's staff taking fewer trips to conferences and for professional development. The reduction in the Chancellor's academic enhancement fund will give the Chancellor less flexibility in contributing strategically to academic programs.
Chancellor's Office - Organizational Advancement
The position of Assistant to the Chancellor for Organizational development will be eliminated. The individual in this position has held a .5 FTE appointment since January 2004, but decided to return to full-time teaching in her home department, which will pick up the .5 FTE.
University Communications
University Communications has already implemented a budget cut via a reduction in force of 1.0 FTE managerial/professional and 1.5 FTE office/service Positions. These cuts are part of a reorganization of University Communications to make it more focused and efficient. Some work is now being carried out by a graduate assistant and student workers, and some has been reassigned.
University Communications
Beginning in July, the Scarlet will change its printing vendor, which will result in an annual savings of approximately $16,000. In Fall 2009, a new standard newspaper size will be used for the Scarlet, which contributes to the overall annual savings and provides additional print space for less money.
Equity, Access & Diversity
Equity, Access, and Diversity will contribute .33 FTE to a data analyst position that it will share with the department of Institutional Research and Planning, which will contribute .67 FTE. The new position will create efficiencies by serving the departments of IRP and EADP. EADP will eliminate its 1.0 FTE data analyst position. Additionally, EAD will reduce some of its diversity programming funds.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate will reduce its budget by eliminating a student worker line and reducing its operating budget. Neither of these will have a significant impact as these funds have not been historically utilized by the Faculty Senate.
Student Affairs - Associate Vice Chancellor
This budget transfers partial salary support for the Associate Vice Chancellor to student fees. No increase in student fees is required.
Student Affairs - Vice Chancellor Office
This budget reduction eliminates the VC Student Affairs Fellowship program, reduces travel, and moves the annual omnibus student survey to an every-other-year survey.
Student Affairs - Career Services
Career Services will no longer employ student interns to help fellow students in the Resource Room ($13,863).
Career Services' operating funds will move from state support to being funded by fees charged to participating employers ($868). A modest increase in the fees charged to employers may be needed.
A staff receptionist position will be reduced to .50 FTE and the reduced FTE will be replaced with student assistants ($17,142).
An administrative Tech I position will be reduced to .91 FTE which will require the Career Resource Room to reduce its hours to 8:00 - 10:00 during the summer. This reduction also limits Husker Hire Link assistance to students during these hours ($3,830).
A Resource Specialist position will be reduced to .75 FTE. This will reduce summer help to students needing career/major decision resources & seeking employment. It also reduces outreach to employers ($9,072).
Transfer a portion of student wages to revolving funds ($10,263).
Student Affairs - Registration and Records
Eliminates a 1.0 FTE staff position. The existing workload will be distributed to remaining staff members.
Student Affairs - Nebraska Unions
Reduces state funding for repairs, maintenance and cleaning of the Nebraska Unions.
Business & Finance - VCBF Business Cluster
In 2007 the Division of Business and Finance began a transition to a single business center for the Division to handle our own business affairs. University Police was the first to join. We are currently merging Facilities Management and Planning's Business Operations unit into the B&F Business Cluster. Human Resources, Operations Analysis, and the Vice Chancellor's Office will be transitioned this spring. The transition to a Business Cluster permits the reduction of 3.0 FTE staff positions.
Business & Finance - Combine Receptionist Duties
By digitizing storage of its records and eliminating paper files, Human Resources is currently reorganizing its work spaces within Canfield Hall. Human Resources has eliminated a 1.0 FTE staff position and created a one-stop Call Center. Financial Services' Accounting and Payroll Offices will also eliminate 2.0 FTE staff positions and will join the Call Center to create one receptionist for Canfield Hall's 4th Floor.
Merge City Campus and IANR Payroll Offices
While the City Campus and IANR Payroll Offices will maintain offices on the City and East Campuses, the offices will combine their operations under a single director. The City's campus savings are $26,789. IANR's savings (also listed separately below) are $63,410.
Total Chancellor, Student Affairs, Business & Finance
2. Academic Affairs
SVC Academic Affairs Office Staffing
This proposed reduction to the Senior Vice Chancellor's permanent state funding would eliminate a 1.0 FTE vacant staff position related to web development and administrative support. This reduction could impact improvements to systems accessed daily by faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders. Some of this can be outsourced to University Communications. Additionally, the elimination of administrative support budget reduces the flexibility of Academic Affairs to support hires when cost exceeds funding available at the unit level.
Arts & Sciences - Reduce Faculty Administrative Stipends
The Coordinators in the Institute for Ethnic Studies already receive a course release for their coordination efforts. This is the typical compensation for similar program coordinators. The Asian Studies program has become smaller and therefore the stipend elimination is justified. The Asian Studies Coordinator reports directly to the Dean and the other coordinators report to the Director of the Institute for Ethnic Studies. Eliminating the administrative stipends for the coordinators of Asian Studies, African American Studies, Latino and Latin American Studies, and Native American Studies could impact international and interdisciplinary initiatives. There is a risk of diminishment of leadership in these programs, which could impact the College's Strategic Priorities of enhancing interdisciplinary and international efforts.
Arts & Sciences - $276,667 Budget Reduction
This reduction of the budget of the College of Arts & Sciences may require the use of vacant faculty positions during FY2010 for cash flow, but the intent of the reduction is to encourage the College to find efficiencies through reorganization and strategic reductions to programs, thereby avoiding permanent reductions in faculty lines.
Arts & Sciences - Eliminate the Speech Workshop
The Speech Workshop draws high school students to UNL from across Nebraska each summer and provides professional development and training for speech teachers. The elimination of this workshop requires the elimination of student salaries and operating funds in the Communication Studies Department. The workshop utilizes three of the Department's GTAs and one external high school coach to staff the workshop that is scheduled annually in July. Registration for the workshop has remained fairly steady with an estimated 35 high school students and 10 teachers expected this summer. The departmental relationships with the attending high school teachers have grown as a result of the workshop, and at least five student participants have enrolled at UNL. Participants in the workshop are charged a registration fee that covers food, housing, etc., however, the department does supplement registrations for eligible low-income students, and the teachers are not charged the fee. This program could continue by replacing state dollars with increased registration fees charged to students and/or teachers or by identifying potential private funding to help support the workshop (currently no donors are linked to the workshop.). This is a successful service program to Nebraska high schools but its enrollment impact is minimal and it is not closely related to the core missions of the University.
Arts & Sciences - Eliminate Mathematics Jump Program
The JUMP Program is a diagnostic program utilized in Nebraska schools to help high school students assess their mathematical skills and advise them in the pursuit of educational and career goals. The program has been in existence for years but has not been evaluated recently. The number of participating schools has trended downward over the years from 100 to 60 schools currently. The program objectives could be accomplished by combining these activities under a different Mathematics outreach program, or by placing a modified program online. Eliminating the JUMP Program will impact Nebraska high school students, high school mathematics teachers, and school administrators in Nebraska, but should not have a significant affect on enrollment or programs at UNL. The elimination of this program requires the reduction of a 1.0 FTE staff position in the Department of Mathematics.
College of Business Administration - Organizational changes: Elimination of Half-Time Position of Agribusiness Program Coordinator; Restructuring of Director Position; and Reduction in Graduate Assistantships.
The Agribusiness Program at the University of Nebraska is a joint degree program between the College of Business Administration and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Together, this program blends the technical competence of modern agricultural and food systems with the decision-making framework of business. It is designed to prepare students to be a professionals and entrepreneurs in agribusiness.
The elimination of the position of the 1.0 FTE Coordinator of the Agribusiness Program (CBA pays one-half of the salary for this position; IANR pays the other half) will require that the Marketing Department Chair assume or delegate the coordinator's duties. The Chair will direct the program, with the help of a new assistant professor of Marketing. The addition of the new faculty position will also increase the number of sections taught.
The reduction of the Graduate Assistant funding will eliminate assistantships for five Masters level students. Since these graduate assistants do not teach, there will be no impact on the teaching mission of the College, although it could impact recruiting of agribusiness students to the Masters level program.
College of Business Administration - Reduce Staff Pool Funding
This proposed reduction in permanent state funding would reduce the pool of funds available for administrative support hires.
College of Engineering - Eliminate Dean's Office Support Staff Positions
The College of Engineering proposes to eliminate a 1.0 FTE accounting specialist position and to combine 2.0 FTE positions of research analysis specialist and software/hardware development specialist into a single position. This proposal will result in the reduction of financial management support available in the Dean's Office for the departments. It will also reduce the ability of the College to engage in higher-level financial analysis, data and research funding reporting, and some computer support. The College will attempt to reduce the impact of by work reassignments within the College's business support functions.
Fine & Performing Arts - Outsource Instrument Repair
The School of Music will outsource all instrument repairs (except pianos) and eliminate a .60 FTE staff position. By eliminating this position, the School will not increase the fees that students are currently paying for the repair of musical instruments.
Fine & Performing Arts - Eliminate Part-Time Staff Support for Dance Program
This is a 0.30 FTE clerical support for the Dance Program. The School will provide the day-to-day clerical assistance that is necessary to run the program efficiently.
Fine & Performing Arts - Reduce State Support for the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center
The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, formerly the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theatre, is an affiliate of the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. Its mission is to offer a high quality film and video presentations, to include innovative American independent work including non-narrative, experimental films and video; classic foreign and American cinema illustrative of traditional and historical perspectives; documentaries which examine a wide variety of issues of concern; and contemporary foreign cinema of substance. The program is augmented by the invited participation of important film artists and scholars, and is supplemented through the distribution of film notes and a research library, which serves as a resource for the academic community and interested citizens throughout the state.
Funding to support the MMRMAC comes from $50,885 state funds as well as from a variety of other sources, including the NU Foundation, ticket revenue, revenue from the sale of concessions, grants, private donations, and income from the Department of English to offset projection costs associated with screenings for students in the Film Studies Program. Significant private funds, including a large and loyal "friends" group, already support the MRRMAC. A reduction in state support will place a greater burden on those funds, as well as on the role of ticket revenue.
Although the MRRMAC is a cultural asset to the University's academic community as well as to the Lincoln community, and plays a role in the education of the students in the Film Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences, it is not integral to academic programs across campus and is thus peripheral to the core mission of the University.
College of Law - Eliminate Vacant Faculty Position
There are several vacant positions at the Law College, one of these positions is proposed to be reduced as part of the FY 2010 budget reduction. The impact is that the College of Law will have less flexibility in filling the other vacant faculty positions.
University Libraries - Eliminate Vacant Technical Services Staff Positions
The proposed elimination of 2 vacant staff positions in technical services will increase the time frame to process new materials, decrease staffing available to digitize materials, and allow for less assistance for academic units adding scholarly materials produced by faculty to the Libraries' catalog.
University Libraries - Decrease Staffing in Business Operations
The Libraries are completing the consolidation of business operations under the Dean's office. The Libraries propose to replace a faculty position that had primary responsibility to handle licensing of electronic journals, databases, books, and other materials, with a managerial/professional position. The faculty position is currently vacant. While the head of technical services will be able to do some of this work, it is anticipated that it will take longer to negotiate new licenses or renewals of licenses as individuals learn their new assignments.
To further consolidate business operations, 2.0 FTE staff positions will be eliminated. Student employees will be used to cover very basic business services and continuing staff in the libraries will pick up some of the work. Some orders may be delayed and some equipment used by students for their research may take longer to be ordered and received.
Public Policy Center - Eliminate Most State Support for PPC and Transfer Staff and Operating budget to Grants and F&A funds
State funds currently contribute to approximately 10% of the budget of the Public Policy Center. It is proposed to reduce all state funding except the salary and benefits of the Director, who is a tenured faculty member. In the past, the Public Policy Center has conducted research and supported activities for other state agencies without charge. The reduction will likely limit the Center's ability to do so. Similarly, the Center has collaborated with other University units to obtain federal grants but has not incorporated its own costs associated with its participation in the grant requests. If the Center is to be a partner with other units in conducting federal grant research, its costs must be included in the grant request. Over the past four years, the Public Policy Center has brought in more than $8 million in external grant money, with annual increases in funding each year. It is expected that F&A from current and new grants will permit it to cover those costs that cannot be appropriately allocated to grant funding.
Extended Education and Outreach - Eliminate EE&O and IANR funding of 1.0 FTE Staff Position at the Norfolk Learning Center
The Northeast Lifelong Learning Center is owned and operated by Northeast Community College. IANR has a long term lease to provide office space for some of the University of Nebraska Northeast Research and Extension Center staff at the Northeast Lifelong Learning Center. The recommendation is to eliminate 1.0 FTE vacant staff position whose previous incumbent's home department was in Cooperative Extension with a .48 FTE in Academic Affairs (EE&O) and .52 FTE in Cooperative Extension. The 1.0 FTE vacant staff position is one of seven UNL positions at the Center.
This position was created in 1998 to serve as the coordinator for UNL's distance education programs in Northeast Nebraska. When the position was created, UNL was delivering more than 60 distance education courses by satellite video conference to the Center each year. With the move to online delivery, the number of courses delivered to the Center went to zero. With the transition from satellite delivery to online delivery of distance education programs in 2001-2002, there was no longer a need to use classroom space for the delivery of UNL distance education programs to the Northeast Lifelong Learning Center. The decision was also made in 2002 to stop competing with the community college on non-credit programs. The position was originally shifted to NEREC special projects and grant funds in collaboration with K-12 school districts for the development of a Hispanic K-12 program. The grant funds have been depleted.
Extended Education and Outreach - Eliminate Academic Conferences Unit
The proposed elimination of the Academic Conferences unit will result in 3.0 FTE staff positions eliminated, with one of those positions on state funds. To continue coordinating the remaining academic conferences, the current conference planner position within Academic Conferences will be absorbed into EE&O. This individual's key responsibility will be to coordinate efforts for the remaining four conference events for Fall 2009 and to run the 2009 Nebraska Federal and State Tax Institute. This individual would also pursue additional non-credit revenue generating opportunities for EE&O that would aid UNL and support UNL's land-grant mission.
Information Services - Combine Telephone Operators and Computer Operators
Operational efficiencies will be gained by combining telephone and computer operations staff and a 1.0 FTE vacant staff position will be eliminated. Information Services had been utilizing the funds from the vacant position to secure UNL's cyber infrastructure.
Information Services - Reduction of Computer-Based Services Supported
This proposed cut will result in 1) the elimination of a number of computer-based services that have a minimal impact to UNL's campus because they have a limited user base and these services can be provided via alternative service providers; and 2) the elimination of services that, while they have a relatively broad user base, are more appropriately supported or provided through alternative solutions. These services include EQA, CLUSTAN, and UNIX-based SAS.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Eliminate Nebraska Human Resources Institute
This proposed reduction results in the elimination of all or most of the outreach program that teaches leadership skills to 103 UNL students and 103 elementary and middle school students in Lincoln Public Schools. The program has been in place for 60 years and has a small amount of private funding. The program is peripheral to CEHS' mission and strategic plan. Rather than continue the program with state funds, the College hopes that the program will be endowed through private support.
The Interim Director (a doctoral student in CEHS) will shift to a graduate assistantship. A small segment of the program (dealing with 20 CEHS students and 20 LPS students) may continue using the private funds available and a small office in Mabel Lee Hall.
This reduction will not adversely affect the CEHS teaching or research programs. It will reduce outreach to the community. Lincoln Public Schools has been aware of this potential reduction since January 2009 and is working with NHRI to try to secure alternate funding through private means. While the program is valued by LPS and that it will be missed, it is not central to LPS program offerings either.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Reduce state support for OLLI Program
This program is peripheral to the CEHS mission and strategic plan. The program is endowed for $1 million through the OsherFoundation and supports itself through the endowment as well as fees paid by participants. The elimination of state support will be made up through increased non-credit fees paid by participants.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Eliminate Educational Administration Gerontology Courses
This course is being taught through an expired agreement between the Adult and Vocational Education Department (a former UNL department) and UNO. Payment for this instruction has lasted beyond the life of the original project, which is now over. Currently, a faculty member appointed at .10 FTE through the Department of Ed Administration teaches the course.
The elimination of .10 FTE may impact the educational programs of six doctoral students who are working toward a Ph.D. in Gerontology. However, course substitutions offered at UNO are possible. We have been in communication with UNO on this matter and UNO is considering paying for the instruction.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Cut Operating Budget of Special Education & Communication Disorders
The proposed reductions shifts operating funds (paper, supplies, etc.) from state funds to private funds.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Department of Nutrition & Health Sciences. Reduce Operating Funds
Shift essential costs to fees paid by professional membership. The unit will shift support for these functions to income from NUTR 250X. As long as this program remains solvent, there will be no impact on NHS teaching programs.
With current enrollment numbers, this recommendation shifts support for operating funds from state funds to distance education funds. If enrollments decrease, the course will no longer be offered.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Department of Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education - Reduce Adjuncts and Part-Time Faculty
Maintain classes by increasing class size. This reduction translates into approximately 8 fewer class sections being taught annually, affecting 240 to 320 students. The unit will compensate by increasing class sizes in high demand courses such as TEAC 331.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Department of Educational Psychology - Reduce Operating Funds and Student Employees
With current enrollment numbers, this recommendation shifts support for operating funds and student employees from state funds to distance education funds. If enrollments decrease, the course will no longer be offered.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Department of Child, Youth & Family Studies - Reduce clerical staffing in CYAF main office from 12-month to 9-month Appointments
Reduce clerical assistance in the CYAF Main Office in the summer my moving 1.0 FTE staff member from a 12-month to a 9-month academic year appointment. No direct impact on CYAF teaching, research or outreach programs.
College of Education and Human Sciences - Department of Child, Youth & Family Studies - Shift state support for Lecturer position in Family Consumer Science Education to Revolving Funds
With current enrollment numbers, this recommendation shifts support for a Lecturer position from state funds to Great Plains IDEA distance education funds. If enrollments decrease, the course will no longer be offered.
Nebraska Educational Television - Eliminate CCTV Positions
The proposed budget reduction eliminates 2.9 FTE staff positions. and operating budget supporting UNL's closed circuit (CCTV) system.
By eliminating ongoing maintenance support, the reliability and on-demand availability of the system will be impacted - primarily the free distribution of video content originating from University locations. This larger system includes fiber networks and video origination points across the City and East campuses. Although fees-for-service will help to make up some of the lost funding, there could be an impact on the following:
- Ag Communications' ability to uplink programming to remote audiences
- The ability to deliver live campus presentations to overload audiences in other buildings.
- Video origination of diverse content from such locations as the Lied Center, Mary Riepma Ross Theater, Devaney Sports Center, Memorial Stadium, and the Nebraska Unions. Any additional cuts would begin to erode the core resources necessary to holding and maintaining a public broadcasting television license.
Total Academic Affairs
Total City Campus
3. Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources
IANR - Administration
Eliminate administrative position and restructure another staff position in IANR Administration, which collectively includes the administrative offices of CASNR, ARD, UNL Extension, and IANR's Finance and Personnel Office. The impact of the elimination of one administrator will be the loss of functions in staff selection and development in UNL Extension. Reduction will require other administrators and staff to assume additional duties and responsibilities. The incumbent will fully retire effective December 2010. Combining leadership of payroll activities between city campus and IANR payroll offices will cause some restructuring of duties and delay in response time.
IANR - Agriculture Research Division - Technical Funding Support
IANR will reduce technical funding support to Agriculture Research Division scientists by eliminating 25% of ARD state funding for research technicians and technologists. This is not intended to eliminate any positions; however, 25% of the funding for these positions will be eliminated. To assist in the transition to alternative funding, some of the funding will be returned temporarily allowing academic units up to two years to transition to non-state funding sources. Academic units will need to move these support staff to other funding sources such as grants and contracts, F&A funds, gift funds, etc. Some units may lose technician support if they are not able to generate new funding sources to replace the state funds removed from their budget. Unit administrators will have the flexibility within their units to determine which specific positions will be selected for alternative funding and to what extent.
IANR - Nebraska Forest Service - Eliminate Some State Support
Eliminate some state support for the Nebraska Forest Service by assessing the Service a proportional state fund budget reduction equal to the percentage state fund budget reduction allocated to IANR. The impact to the NFS will be a reduction in matching dollars because part of a staff member's salary will be shifted to federal funds currently used for the match.
IANR -- Nebraska Statewide Arboretum - Eliminate State Support
Eliminate all state support for the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corporation, has agreed to integrate the NSA with the Nebraska Forest Service and to transition to become a self-supporting enterprise. However, for NSA to be sustainable, some positions will need to be eliminated. This elimination will impact horticultural services, eliminate the therapeutic horticulture program, and reduce educational communications capabilities. Some temporary funds will be provided in FY 2010 to allow NSA time to transition to alternative funding. This will require a reduction in force of 2.4 FTE staff positions.
IANR -- Extended Education and Outreach - Eliminate EE&O funding for the Norfolk Learning Center
Eliminate EE&O funding for the Norfolk Learning Center (IANR component). This will have a small impact as EE&O has moved to online learning; therefore, the need for physical location and onsite coordinator has been significantly reduced. A fuller discussion of this reduction is included above under Academic Affairs.
IANR - Communications and Information Technology (CIT) - Eliminate 0.30 FTE Staff Writer Position
Eliminate portion of a vacant staff writer position. Elimination will result in less capacity to provide educational writing service to UNL Extension and the Agricultural Research Division.