Phase One Budget Reductions (2021-2023)

A summary of budget reductions is shown for each administrative unit, along with the total budget reduction and a summary of positions eliminated (categorized by filled, vacant, and those moved to another funding source). Reductions in this phase total $16,378,192.

2.0 filled FTE, 1.0 FTE moved to other funding source
Chancellor's Office $290,656, 1.0 FTE moved to other funding source
ROTC $11,998
Institutional Equity and Compliance $103,692
Sheldon Art Museum $125,000
Lied Center for the Performing Arts $25,000
University Communication $150,000, 2.0 filled FTE
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
5.40 vacant FTE, 4.25 FTE moved to other funding source
Vacant administrative positions $313,782, 2.15 vacant FTE
Unassigned POE budget $237,627
University Television $195,369, 3.25 filled FTE moved to other funding sources
Senior International Officer $39,872, 1 FTE moved to other funding sources
Academic Services and Enrollment Management $689,913, pooled positions
Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics $72,241, 1.14 vacant FTE
Office of Graduate Studies $94,986, 1.11 vacant FTE
Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center $60,726, 1.0 vacant FTE
Career Services $8,771
College and Administrative Unit Operating Budgets
College of Architecture $194,081
College of Arts and Sciences $511,884
College of Education and Human Sciences $220,136
College of Engineering $659,223
Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts $84,418
College of Journalism and Mass Communications $98,711
College of Law $75,799
University Libraries $155,000
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor $475,000
Undergraduate Education and Student Success $215,596
University Television $60
Remissions $100,000 moved to other funding source
Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources
1.0 filled FTE, 21.6 vacant FTE, 24.19 FTE moved to other funding source
Senior Leadership Team Operating Budgets $728,163
Administrative Positions and Stipends $1,155,902, 1.0 filled FTE, 4.0 vacant FTE
Research Staff Support $1,457,453, 24.19 filled FTE moved to other funding source
Vacant Staff Lines $801,249, 17.60 vacant FTE
Student Remissions Contra-revenues $1,260,000
Research and Economic Development
0.5 filled FTE, 5.5 vacant FTE
ORED Staff Positions $386,930, 4.0 vacant FTE
University of Nebraska State Museum $100,083, 1.0 vacant FTE
University of Nebraska Press $43,067, 0.5 filled FTE, 0.5 vacant FTE
Business and Finance
13.25 filled FTE, 17.6 vacant FTE
Police $383,729, 4.0 vacant FTE
Human Resources $213,323, 2.0 vacant FTE
Financial Services Including Student Accounts, Accounts Payable, Financial Systems, Procurement ($330,618, 2.25 filled FTE, 1.6 vacant FTE)
Facilities and Operations $2,236,837, 11.0 filled FTE, 11.0 vacant FTE
Utilities $2,000,000
Student Affairs
1.15 filled FTE
Office of the Vice Chancellor $12,110, 0.15 FTE
Services for Students with Disabilities $59,187, 1.0 FTE moved to other funding source