Reconciliation Rising: Latest Podcast from Professor Margaret Jacobs and Kevin Abourezk

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October 16, 2019

Reconciliation Rising is a multimedia project dedicated to showcasing the lives and work of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who are engaged in honestly confronting painful and traumatic histories, promoting meaningful and respectful dialogue between Natives and non-Natives, and creating pathways to reconciliation.

Here is a link to the latest Reconciliation Rising podcast, Part 1 of a two-part interview with Jerilyn DeCoteau and Paula Palmer, "Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change":

An Interview with Jerilyn DeCoteau and Paula Palmer Part 1

Here's a brief summary of the podcast:

Two intrepid women, one Indigenous and one not, have presented hundreds of transformative workshops across the United States about European colonization of North America, its basis in the doctrine of discovery, and its devastating effect on Indigenous peoples. 

Please check out our website, too, for more on our project:

And for other podcasts: