

Clifford Hardin Nebraska Center, East Campus
April 2, 1996
President H. Douglas Jose Presiding

1.0 Call to Order

* President Jose called the meeting to order at 2:35 pm.

2.0 Chancellor James Moeser

2.1 Chancellor Moeser commended Joan Leitzel for her service as both the Acting Chancellor and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
2.2 Search committees. The search committee for the dean of College of Business Administration will be announced soon. The search for the Dean of Fine and Performing Arts is progressing. The search committee is in place for the position of Director, Affirmative Action and Diversity Office. A search committee will be formed for Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
2.3 Chancellor Moeser has visited Ogallala, Sidney, and Scottsbluff and will be visiting North Platte and McCook April 3.
2.4 Chancellor Moeser reported on the status of the university budget in the legislature.
Discussion: James Ford, English, asked about the status of the Harassment and Discrimination document. Moeser responded that faculty, staff and students will have one more chance to review the draft.

3.0 Announcements

3.1 The Executive Committee has been asked to submit recommendations for the search committee for the Dean of CBA and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
3.2 President Jose encouraged senate representatives to review the report of the Faculty and Community Task Force.
3.3 President Jose welcomed Jason Bynum, the newly elected ASUN senate representative.
3.4 The election to replace Executive Committee members and officers will take place at the April 30 meeting. There are five vacancies. The secretary serves a one year term; others a three year term. Nominations should be sent to Choobineh or the other Nominating Committee members, Sally Wise, Law Library, and James Ford, Engl ish.

4.0 Approval of 3/5/96 Minutes

* E. Denis Erickson, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, moved for approval. Jerry Parsons, AgLEC, seconded. Minutes were approved.

5.0 Recognition of Outgoing Senators

* President Jose distributed certificates of appreciation to those senators completing three-year terms.

6.0 Committee Reports

6.1 Academic Freedom Award. Dermot Coyne, Horticulture, Chair, Academic Freedom Award Committee, submitted the nominee and the ballots for the Lake Freedom Award. Ballots were collected for tallying after the meeting.
6.2 Graduate Council. David Stanley Samuelson, Entomology, Chair, Graduate Council reported.

7.0 Unfinished Business

7.1 Motion to support the UNL Employee Benefits Committee for endorsement of the concept of extending insurance benefits to domestic partners and recommend that the University-Wide Employee Fringe Benefits Committee further develop the concept. Agnes Adams, Chair, Employee Benefits, was present to answer questions about the motion presented at the March 5 meeting for a vote at the April meeting. Discussion: Scott Swenseth, Management, questioned the committee's endorsement. Leo Sartori, Physics and Astronomy, and Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky, Educational Psychology, encouraged support for the motion. James Goedert, UNO Construction Systems Technology, spoke against endorsement of the motion. The motion was approved; For-30; Against-24.

8.0 New Business

9.0 For the Good of the Order

The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Japp, secretary.

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