DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT (03aug27mins)



Present:          Beck, Buck, Fuller, Logan-Peters, Peterson, Shea, Spann, Whitt, Wolf, Wunder


Absent:           Alexander, Fech, Miller


Date:               Wednesday, August 27, 2003


Location:        Academic Senate Office, 420 University Terrace


1.0       Call to Order

            Wunder called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm.


2.0       Announcements

            2.1       Professor Wolf’s Last Executive Committee Meeting

Wunder noted that this was Professor’s Wolf last meeting with the Committee.  He stated that Wolf’s presence will be greatly missed and that it would be hard to chronicle all of the work that Wolf has done for the Senate and the University.  Wunder thanked Wolf for all that he has done and wished him well and a happy retirement.  Wolf thanked everyone on the Committee and stated that serving on the Senate and the Committee has been a real learning experience in how the University operates.  He stated that he has enjoyed working with everyone on the Committee.


2.2       Executive Committee Retreat

Wunder reported that the Executive Committee Retreat will be held on Friday, August 29th following the Chancellor’s State of the University Address. 


2.3       Academic Planning Committee Resignation

Wunder reported that Professor Ellen Paparozzi has resigned from the Academic Planning Committee.  He stated that he has appointed Professor Jim Van Etten, Plant Pathology, for the interim until an election to replace Paparozzi is conducted.


2.4       District Assignment for Remaining Museum Faculty Member

Wunder stated that, according to the Senate Bylaws, any unit having less than five faculty members must be merged with another district in order to receive representation on the Senate.   He stated that he has successfully transferred the remaining Museum faculty member to the Curriculum and Instruction district.  He noted that he consulted with both parties and both agreed to the merger.


Wunder pointed out that the Senate office will conduct redistricting this fall on the Senate districts.  A report will be given to the full Senate at the February meeting indicating all of the changes that have resulted from mergers and budget cuts.  He noted that this will be a complex report that will need to be looked at carefully.


2.5       Information Systems Technology Department

Wunder stated that he has received information from the IST department that most of the faculty members scheduled to be terminated are in the process of negotiating a transfer to another unit.  He noted that one faculty member went into the private sector and one is being offered an early retirement package.  Peterson asked if the faculty members being transferred have received any confirmation in writing.  Wunder stated that he was not sure, but some have received departmental approval.


            2.6       Open House for Computer Science & Engineering Facility

Wunder announced that there will be an open house on September 5th from 3:00 -5:00 pm in the former Miller and Paine building downtown for the new Computer Science & Engineering facility. 


2.7       Chancellor Perlman’s Email on the State of the University Address

The committee agreed to endorse the joint initiative between the Chancellor and the Executive Committee to review the increased pressures being placed on the faculty.  However, they want to stress to the Chancellor that they are endorsing dialogue on the issue.  They are not endorsing any specific action at this time. 


The committee noted that the idea of examining the increased pressures on faculty due to budget cuts and restrained resources is an excellent idea.  They pointed out that the role of the instructor is changing and emphasis is being placed on teaching versus learning.  Buck explained that this means that the outcome of the teaching would be more emphasized.  Wunder stated that he would communicate to the Chancellor indicating the Committee endorses beginning discussion on the issue.


2.8       Search Committee for Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Wunder reported that he received an email message from the Chancellor stating that he wants to form a search committee for the position of SVCAA.  Wunder noted that the committee will have two external members, one chair, one Dean, seven faculty members, one graduate and one undergraduate student.   He reminded the Committee that, according to UNL Bylaws, he needs to forward a list of at least 14 names of faculty members to the Chancellor and the Chancellor would then select from this list.  Wunder asked that the Committee send him an email message if they have suggestions for the search committee.


2.9       Academic Planning Committee’s Letter of Recommendation

Wunder stated that he received a copy of the letter sent to the Chancellor from the APC which supports retaining the Museum faculty member who has not been offered a tenured position elsewhere in the University.  He noted that the Chancellor has responded back.  Wunder pointed out that this case leads to a serious issue regarding tenure and whether it resides at the campus or department level.  He noted that administrative records on tenure do not seem to be complete and that a complete census of tenured faculty might need to be conducted.  Wunder pointed out that AAUP states that tenure resides at the campus level.  The Committee agreed to discuss the issue further at the retreat.


3.0       Approval of 8/13/03 Minutes

Peterson moved and Wolf seconded approval of the minutes.  Shea noted a correction in recording his absence.  Minutes approved.


4.0       Nominations for Replacing Biological Sciences Representative on Academic Planning Committee

            Wunder noted that Professor Paparozzi has resigned from the APC and an election needs to be conducted to fill her position.  He stated that the Senate will need to approve the ballot before it can be sent to the entire faculty body.  The Committee recommended several faculty members for the ballot.  Wunder stated that he would contact these people to see if they are willing to be on the ballot.


5.0              Accounting of Programs of Excellence

Griffin distributed copies of the first-year report on programs supported by the programs of excellence fund (http://www.unl.edu/svcaa/prioritization/poe3.pdf.).

Fuller asked if the programs receive one-time funds or whether they are on-going.  Wunder stated that they are on-going funds.  Buck stated that it was her understanding that the programs would be periodically reviewed to see if they are still considered priority programs for funding.  Beck stated that a more detailed breakdown of the funds would be helpful and suggested that the Committee request a copy of the breakdown from SVCAA Edwards.  Wunder stated that he would make the request.


6.0       Charge to Senate Rules and Bylaws Committee

Wunder reported that he is activating the Senate Rules and Bylaws Committee.  He noted that Professor Bender, Journalism, will chair the committee.  Other members of the committee are Professor May, Economics, and Professor Jackson, Food Science and Technology.  Griffin, coordinator of the Senate, will sit in on the meetings.  Wunder stated that issues that need to be reviewed include motions that are made at the last meeting of the year and are carried over during the summer, and how the Senate President-Elect is selected.  He asked that members of the committee email him about other concerns they would like the Committee to review.


7.0       Unfinished Business

            7.1       Candidates for Executive Committee

Wunder reported that one senator has agreed to run for the Executive Committee, but there may be a schedule of conflict.  He stated that write-in candidates and nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting. 


8.0       New Business

            8.1       Academic Rights and Responsibilities Procedures

Spann asked if the proposed revisions to the ARRC procedures have been completed yet.  Beck reported that revisions to the Grievance Procedures are nearly completed and that the ARRC hopes to have it to the Senate in the near future. 


8.2       Teaching Council

Peterson asked what the status is of the Council in regards to the changes that were to be made to it.  Griffin stated that she would check to see if changes have been made to the Council.


8.3       Status of Health and Human Performance Faculty

Fuller asked what the status is of the faculty members who were in the Health and Human Performance department.  Wunder stated that three of the nine faculty members from HHP have been assigned to positions in the newly merged department of Nutrition and Health Sciences.  He stated that three faculty members are being offered early retirement and other faculty members transferred to other departments prior to the elimination of the program.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 pm.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be on Wednesday, September 3rd at 3:00 pm.  The meeting will be held in the Academic Senate Office, 420 University Terrace.  The minutes are respectfully submitted by Karen Griffin, Coordinator and Shelley Fuller, Secretary.