2017 Summer Institutes

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Lincoln Summer Institute

June 5 - June 30
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Andrews Hall, UNL City Campus

Open to teachers of all disciplines and grade levels. This is NeWP’s premiere program, following the National Writing Project’s Invitational Institute model.

Participants in the institute will:

  • participate in their own writing
  • share their best teaching practices for writing
  • engage in inquiry and research into aspects of writing

Institute activities include: writing exercises, visits with local experts in the teaching of writing, participant presentations on their best practices of teaching writing, professional development, practice using various computer technologies to support writing, writing workshops, institute anthology.


Dr. Lauren Gatti, UNL
Dr. Shari Stenberg, UNL
Maggie Deschaine, Lincoln North Star High School, Secondary facilitator
Kate Leonard Barr, Lincoln Cavett Elementary, Elementary facilitator


Nebraska teachers admitted to the Lincoln Summer Institute may quality for up to $750 stipend which helps offset the cost of 6 UNL graduate credits in English or Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education.

Teaching of Argument

June 12 - June 29
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Andrews Hall, UNL City Campus

Grant supported institute for teachers of grades 4-12, for 3 UNL graduate credits in English or Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education. Past participation in a NeWP Summer or Rural Institute is required. Institute expects teachers will commit to trying National Writing Project’s 4 cycles of argument writing in 2017-18 classes.

Institute activities include: exploration of public, personal, and academic argument writing; hands-on experience writing arguments and participating in creative argument activities; practice working with informational and mulitmodal texts; collaborative inquiry into argument writing pedagogy and approaches to teaching argument that foster mutual understanding, civil discourse, and inquiry rather than only “winning.”


Dr. Rachael Wendler Shah, UNL


Nebraska teachers admitted to the Teaching of Argument Institute may qualify for a $1000 stipend, offsetting most of the cost of 3 graduate credits.