Every year, the Administrator Certificate of Recognition is presented to one school administrator in recognition of their support of the Nebraska Writing Project.
Nomination Information
To nominate your administrator:
1) Write a 1-2 page letter of nomination.
2) Send that letter to Rachael Shah at rshah@unl.edu
3) Criteria for selecting the administrator to address in your letter:
a. Nature of the NeWP program supported by this administrator;
b. Quality of support for NeWP, including exemplary leadership;
c. Years of support for NeWP;
d. Impact of this support (e.g. number of teachers, students, administrators, and community members reached by the programs supported by this administrator, outcomes that have emerged through this support).
All nominations will be discussed at the April Nebraska Writing Project Leadership Team meeting.
2024 Due Date: April 24
The Administrator Certificate of Recognition will be awarded Summer Nebraska Writing Project Celebration in June (exact date TBA).