Gormley Awarded 2022-2023 Outstanding GTA Award

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March 30, 2023

Janelle Gormley been selected for the 2022-2023 Frank and Marie Wheeler Scholarship for her outstanding role as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. This award recognizes the valuable role graduate teaching assistants play in enhancing undergraduate learning at UNL.  Generous gifts to the University of Nebraska Foundation have made this award possible.

Reviewers considered her performance in the classroom and nomination materials as guidance in the decision.  In recognition of this honor, she will receive a $1,000 award and commemorative medallion.  Graduate Studies will hold an awards banquet to honor award recipients this spring. The banquet is tentatively scheduled for May 3, 2023. 

Janelle Gormley is a philosophy graduate student and teaching assistant at UNL. She received her B.A. of philosophy at the University of West Florida (2017), and she received her M.A. at the University of Florida (2019). Janelle’s primary interests include moral psychology, specifically with respect to Aristotelian Virtue Ethics. Other interests include, but are not limited to, the intersection between metaphysics and epistemology with respect to friendship (what friendship is, and what makes an agent justified in believing one is a friend), the role that literature or fiction plays with respect to moral learning, and rationality requirements on non-ideal agents. Aside from academic research interests, she is also exploring different avenues of philosophical pedagogy. In her free time, Janelle has picked up playing disc golf, painting neon landscapes, and gaming with friends.