Graduate Specialization in Composition and Rhetoric

M.A. and Ph.D. students who take this specialization will gain expertise in the areas of pedagogy, composition, rhetoric and literacy studies.


  • 9 credits from the list of courses below
  • A letter of application addressed to the Director of Composition in which the student details their interests in the specialization, and their proposed thesis or dissertation plans
  • A dissertation or thesis that is firmly focused in the area of composition and rhetoric
    • The Director of Composition and the student's advisory committee will make this determination together, but the dissertation or thesis must be approved as in the field of composition and rhetoric by the Director of Composition in consultation with the faculty sub-group in composition and rhetoric. 

How to apply to this specialization

Once admitted into the graduate program the student can apply to the specialization by:

  • Sending a brief cover letter to the Director of Composition detailing their interests/ dissertation plans in this area
  • Including a copy of their program of studies form that includes courses from the specialization
  • Once the Director of Composition approves the application, the student can enter the specialization
  • The specialization will be officially granted once the dissertation is submitted in the area


880 Writing Theory and Practice for Consultants
875 Rhetoric/Rhetorical Theory
875A Rhetorical Theory: Rhetoric of Women Writers
882 Literacy Issues and Community
857 Composition Theory and Practice
857A Composition and Rhetorical Theory
857B Nebraska Writing Project Advanced Institute
895 Nebraska Writing Project Internship
957B Nebraska Writing Project Summer Institute
973 Seminar in Literacy Studies
976 Seminar in Rhetorical Theory
992 Nebraska Humanities Project (TEAC 992)
992B Place Conscious Teaching (TEAC 992B)