Emily Casillas
Acquisitions Editor
Internship for undergraduate students — Available all year
- Researching biographical information of authors and marketing information for specific titles
- Formatting and reviewing manuscripts
- Assisting staff in securing permissions for titles to be published
- Screening manuscript submissions, particularly memoir, literary nonfiction, fiction, and scholarly humanities titles
- Reviewing photos, permissions, and manuscript materials to determine readiness for production
Student Stories
“My internship in the Acquisitions department at the University of Nebraska Press was a great first step toward my dream job. I wrote copy that ended up on book jackets, did research on copyright law, and tracked down photos for projects, like this book on bison. I familiarized myself with an industry I’m on my way to becoming a part of. My time in Acquisitions landed me internships in other departments at the Press that have improved my skills and increased my chances of landing a job I love.” —Abby Stryker
“As an Acquisitions Intern at UNP, I was able to get a helpful, behind-the-scenes look at the academic publishing process. Rather than just sitting in on meetings and watching from afar, the types of substantial tasks assigned helped me to leverage a job in publishing soon after graduating.” –Natalie O’Neal