Department of English Newsletter August 2015

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Publications & Acceptances

Brita Thielen's creative nonfiction essay "Disappear" appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of Fine Lines.

Hali F. Sofala's poem "An Ode to My Never-Crossed Legs" appears in the current issue of Blue Mesa Review. She also has two poems forthcoming in fugue.

Maria Nazos' translations of Dimitra Kotoula's poems, "Case Study VI: All the House of Israel or the Redintegration," "Moods X," and "The Body of Dead Christ in the Tomb" have been accepted for publication in The Drunken Boat. Her poem "Still Life" has appeared in The All Poetry Issue of The Atticus Review.

Cover image of The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and CultureMarco Abel and Alexander Vazansky (Department of History) co-edited "What was Politics in 68? A Special Issue on the West German Sixties," published in The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture 7.2. The special issue includes four research essays, various book reviews, as well as Marco and Alex's co-written "Introduction: what was politics in '1968' in West Germany?" (pp. 83-98). This special issue developed from a 3-day seminar on the topic that Marco and Alex had co-organized for the 2013 German Studies Association conference.

Wheeler Winston Dixon has published “Dreams of Jules Verne: Karel Zeman’s Invention of Destruction (Vynález zkázy)", an article on the production and reception of the classic Czech film, and “An Interview with Denis Côté,” on the work of the Canadian director and his new film Joy of Man’s Desiring, both in Senses of Cinema 75 (June 2015).

Back cover of The Counter Cinema of the Berlin School by Marco AbelMarco Abel's The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School (Camden House, 2013) is now available in a more affordable and classroom-friendly paperback version.

Wheeler Winston Dixon has published a review of “Malanga Chasing Vallejo: Selected Poems of César Vallejo; New Translations and Notes by Gerard Malanga,” in Prairie Schooner 89.2 (Summer 2015): 167 – 169. He has also published two articles, “The End of the Real: 1960s Experimental Cinema, and The Loss of Cinema Culture,” in Cinephile 11.1 (Spring/Summer 2015): 37-42, and ’You Can Never Do Enough’ - An Interview with Joshua Siegel, Curator of Film, Museum of Modern Art,” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 32.6 (July, 2015): 503 – 510.

Conferences, Readings, Workshops & Presentations

This summer, Maria Nazos attended poetry workshops taught by Robert Haas, Forrest Gander, Brenda Hillman, and Evie Shockley at the Squaw Valley Community of Writers in Squaw Valley, California.

Jaime Brunton participated in the Dartmouth College Futures of American Studies Institute this past summer, where she presented her research on biopolitics and performance art.

Activities, Accolades, & Grants

Activities, Accolades, & Grants

Marco Abel and Roland Végső received an ENHANCE grant of $3,645 from the College of Arts and Sciences to cover cost for the professional design of a web site for their book series, Provocations.

Jaime Brunton has been awarded a Dean's Fellowship for 2015-2016. Jaime would like to thank Kwame Dawes and Roland Végső for their letters in support of her application. Additionally, Jaime was selected by the Lincoln Branch of the American Association of University Women as a 2015-2016 fellowship recipient.

Have news or noteworthy happenings to share?

The Department of English encourages our faculty and current students to submit stories about their activities and publications of note by filling out the Department Newsletter Submission Form.