Policy on Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Training for Students, Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff will complete sexual misconduct prevention and response training once per academic year1 as a condition of employment. Newly hired faculty and staff must complete the training within 20 university days of start date. The training will be offered 2 and completion rates will be monitored by Institutional Equity and Compliance. Information about the training is available on the Institutional Equity and Compliance website.

Faculty and staff who are designated as Officials with Authority under Title IX3 and/or Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act4 are legally required to complete the training once per year. Information about which faculty and staff are Officials with Authority is available on the Institutional Equity and Compliance website. Information about which faculty and staff are Campus Security Authorities is available on the University Police Department Website.

As a trauma-aware practice, faculty and staff who have been impacted by sexual misconduct will be able to (1) take the training as it is offered, with the opportunity to stop at any time or (2) request an exemption from completing the training. As a reminder, the Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE) and the Employee Assistance Program are available as a resource to faculty and staff.

1. An academic year is considered the period of time between August and May and concludes with spring graduation. IEC recommends that all faculty and staff complete the training prior to their annual evaluation. Employment supervisors may consider completion status as part of the annual evaluation.

2. IEC will provide training opportunities for individuals or for groups (e.g., schools, colleges, departments, centers, student organizations etc.) via the university’s training management system. As of the time this policy was proposed, the system was called Bridge.

3. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 (2018). See also 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (2020).

4. Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990, 20 U.S.C. §1092(f) (2018). See also 34 C.F.R. § 668.46 (2014).