Program Details


The Nebraska Summer Research Program is sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Office of Graduate Studies.

The Nebraska Summer Research Program offers undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents the opportunity to participate in nationally funded research groups across multiple disciplines. Designed for students underrepresented in graduate education who have an interest in pursuing graduate education, the program provides a firsthand glimpse into life as a graduate student and prepares undergraduates to take that next step. Students are selected to work closely with a specific faculty mentor and their team of researchers throughout the summer on either an ongoing research project or a project condensed to fit the 10-week timeframe. 

Since 2007, Graduate Studies has provided the program infrastructure for the individual research groups. The office administers and oversees the application process, student communication, and acts as a resource for scholars throughout their summer experience. Graduate Studies coordinates the students' travel and housing, sponsors social events, and offers professional development workshops to assist students in their pursuit of graduate education. Summer research program events sponsored by Graduate Studies include:

  • Planning and Preparing for Graduate School Workshop
  • Current Graduate Student Panel
  • GRE Prep Workshop
  • Research Self-Efficacy
  • Arrival Day Pizza Party
  • First Week Welcome Picnic
  • Omaha Trip
  • Outdoor Adventures
  • Banquet
  • Summer Research Symposium and Poster Session

Any questions regarding the Nebraska Summer Research Program can be directed to Casey Coleman, Assistant Director of Programs and Events, at