Assistant Professor, Director, Cell Analysis Facility
Department of Pathology and Microbiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center
985816 Nebraska Medical Centter
Omaha, NE 68198-5816
Phone 402 559-6299 (Office) 6267 (Lab)
Fax 402 559-4069
Select Publications
1. Bagchi, D., Kuszynski, C., Balmoori, J., Bagchi, M., and Stohs, S. 1998. Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Modulation of Intracellular Oxidized States in cultured Macrophage J774A1 and Neuroactive PC-12 Cells, and Protection by a Novel Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract. Phytotherapy Research 12:568-571.
2. Weekes, C.D., Pirruccello, S.J., Vose, J.M., Kuszynski, C., Sharp, J.G. 1998. Lymphoma cells associated with bone marrow stromal cells in culture exhibit altered growth and survival. Leuk and Lymph 31:151-165.
3. Bagchi, D., McGinn, T.R., Ye, X. Balmoori, J., Bagchi, M., Stohs, S.J., Kuszynski, C.A., Carryl, O.R. and Mitra, S. 1999. Mechanism of gastroprotection by bismuth sub-salicylate against chemically-induced oxidative stress in cultured human gastric mucosal cells. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 44:12, 2419-2428.
4. Bagchi, D., Joshi, S.S., Bagchi, M., Balmoori, J., Benner, E.J., Kuszynski, C.A., and Stohs, S.J. 2000. Cadmium- and Chromium-induced Oxidative Stress, DNA Damage, and Apoptotic Death in Cultured Human Chronic Myelogenous Leukemic K562 Cells, Promyelocytic Leukemia HL-60 cells and normal Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. J. Biochem Molecular Toxicology 14:33-41.
5. Joshi, S.S., Tarantolo, S.R., Kuszynski, C.A., and Kessinger, A. 2000. Antitumor Therapeutic Potential of Activated Human Umbilical Cord Blood Cells against Leukemia and Breast Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 6:4351-4358.
Bagchi, D., Bagchi, M., Stohs, S., Das, D.K., Ray, S.D., Kuszynski, C.A., Joshi, S.S., and Pruess, H.G. 2000. Free Radicals and Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract: Importance in Human Health and Disease Prevention. Toxicology 148:187-197.
6. Joshi, S.S., Kuszynski, C.A., Bagchi, M., and Bagchi. D. 2000. Chemoprotective Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract on Chang Liver Cells. Toxicology 155: 83-90.
Bagchi, M., Kuszynski, C.A., Balmoori, J., Joshi, S.S., Stohs, S.J. and Bagchi, D. 2001. Protective Effects of Antioxidants against Smokeless Tobacco-induced Oxidative Stressand Modulation of Bcl-2 and p53 Genes in Human Oral Keratinocytes. Free Rad. Res. 35:181-194.
7. Weeks, C.D., Kuszynski, C.A., and Sharp, J.G. 2001. VLA-4 mMediated Adhesion to Bone Marrow Stromal Cells confers Chemoresistance to Adherent Lymphoma Cells. Leuk and Lymph 40(5-6):631-645.
8. Sibley, D.A., Osna, N., Kuszynski, C., Wilkie, L., and Jerrells, T.R. 2001. Alcohol Consumption is Associated with Alterations in Macrophage Responses to Interferon-gamma and Infection by Salmonella typhimurium. FEMS, Immunol and Med. Micro 32(DEC):73-83.
Lovgren, T.R., Tarantolo, S.R.,Evans, C., Kuszynski, C.A., and Joshi, S.S. 2002. Enhanced in vitro and in vivo Cytotoxicity of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Against Human Breast Cancer Following Activation with IL-15 and Colony Stimulating Factors. In vivo 16:541-550.
9. Joshi, S., Wu, E., Lovgren, T., Patil, W., Todd, G.L., Kuszynski, C.A., Joshi, B., and Dave, H. 2002. Comparison of Phenotypic and Functional Dendritic Cells Derived from Human Umbilical cord blood and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. J. Hematotherapy and Stem Cell Research 11:337-347.
10. Jackson, J.D., Zhou, G., Kuszynski, C.A., Cai, J., Fox, I.J. 2002. Induction of Chimerism in Mice Using human MHC Class I-Mismatched Hoechst 33342 Side Population Donor Stem Cells. Cell Transplantation 11: 100-110.
11. Beschorner WE, Sudan DL, Radio SJ, Yang T, Franco KL, Hill AC, Shearon CC, Thompson SC, Dixon RS, Johnson ND, Kuszynski CA, Rubocki RJ, Lechtenberg KF, Matamoros A Jr, Goertzen TC, Fox IJ, Langnas AN. 2003. Heart xenograft survival with chimeric pig donors and modest immune suppression. Ann Surg. Feb;237(2):265-72.
12. Paveletic, S., Bociek, G., Foran, J., Rubocki, R., Kuszynski, C., Wisecarver, J., Hatcher, L., Lucas, David, Grever, M., Lynch, J., Joshi, S., Hardiman, P., Hock, L., McGuire, T., Bierman, P., Vose, J., Armitage, J., Kessinger, A., and Talmadge, J. 2003. Lymphodepleting effects and safety of pentostatin for non-myeloablative allogeneic stem-cell transplants. Transplantation 76(5): 877-881.
13. Zhang J-L, Cai J, Jackson JD, Walls S, Kuszynski CA, 2005 Fox IJ. Competitive equality of donor cells expressing a disparate MHC antigen following stem cell-enriched bone marrow transplantation.Transplantation (in press).
14. Zhang J-L, Cai J, Jackson JD, Kuszynski CA, Walls S, McIvor RS. Fox IJ. 2005 Long-term transgene expression and survival of transgene-expressing grafts following lentivirus transduction of bone marrow Side Population (SP) cells. Transplantation (in press).
15. Zhang J-L, Cai J, Walls S, Jackson JD, Kuszynski CA, Zhao Y, Pawliuk R, Leboulch P, Fox IJ. 2005 Tolerance by selective in-vivo expansion of foreign MHC-transduced autologous bone marrow. Transplantation (in press).
BS - University of Nebraska – Lincoln 1972 Microbiology
MS - University of Nebraska Medical Center 1979 Biochemistry
PhD - University of Nebraska Medical Center 1992 Medical Sciences Cell Biology
Research Interests
Application of flow cytometry to biological systems
Isolation and characterization of adult stem cells
Development of model systems for cell transplantation and gene therapy
Positions Held
Research Technologist II, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Omaha, NE
Research Assistant, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer, UNMC
Research Specialist (Flow Cytometry), UNMC
Instructor, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, UNMC
Assistant Professor and Director, Cell Analysis Facility, UNMC