An Education in

Imaginative Reasoning

Admissions Programs Teaching Spring 25 Classes
Exterior view of Andrews Hall in autumn Photo by Erin Chambers

An Education in Imaginative Reasoning

Our Mission

Central to the core mission of the Department of English is imaginative reasoning: the ability to think hypothetically about the world in all its diversity—the past, present, and future; the local and the global—in order to engage critically with social and political phenomena, envision what is possible, and dream up audacious solutions to seemingly insoluble problems.

Read the full mission statement

Our Core Values

  • Pursuing social justice
  • Affirming diversity
  • Engaging with a broad array of real and imagined communities based on empathetic understanding
  • Fostering a sense of belonging
  • Instilling a desire for civic engagement

How to Apply

Let curiosity move you to the College of Arts and Sciences. With specialized programs of study to match any interest area, hands-on research experience, and a campus at the heart of an innovative college city community, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers the ideal Big Ten experience at an affordable cost.

Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions

Support the Department of English

The English Department Development Fund supports a range of department programs and student needs: assistance to undergraduate and graduate students, writing and scholarship awards, visiting lecturers and writers, and special opportunities for the department and the community.


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