GPR Volume 21

SPRING 2011 VOL. 21/NO. 1

Workplace Religious Accommodation for Muslims and the Promise of State Constitutionalism Peter J. Longo and Joan M. Blauwkamp   3

    Key Words: accommodation, free exercise of religion, Muslims, Nebraska, state constitutionalism, Title VII, workplace

Using Euro-American Hunting Data to Access Western Great Plains Biogeography, 180635   Cody Newton   17

    Key Words: biogeography, bison, Dodge, Glenn, hunting, Long, Pike, return rates

The Political Consequences of Population Consolidation in Nebraska   Diane L. Duffin   27

    Key Words: Great Plains Migration, Nebraska politics, population consolidation, Senate elections

Cottonwood Riparian Site Selection on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation   Julie A. Thorstenson, Diane H. Rickerl, and Janet H. Gritzner   39

    Key Words: GIS, Populus, riparian restoration

Do Invasive Riparian Woody Plants Affect Hydrology and Ecosystem Processes?   Julie A. Huddle, Tala Awada, Derrel L. Martin, Xinhua Zhou, Sue Ellen Pegg, and Scott J. Josiah   49

    Key Words: ecohydrology, evapotranspiration, Juniperus, phreatophytes, Populus, riparian forests, Tamarix, woody species encroachment

Estimation of Land Surface Evapotranspiration with a Satellite Remote Sensing Procedure   Ayse Irmak, Ian Ratcliffe, Pariskhit Ranade, Kenneth G. Hubbard, Ramesh K. Singh, Babuarao Kamble, and Jeppe Kjaersgaard  73

    Key Words: energy balance, evapotranspiration, METRIC, SEBAL, water use

Health and Fertility Implications Related to Seasonal Changes in Kidney Fat Index of White-Tailed Jackrabbits in South Dakota   Dustin Schaible and Charles Dieter   89

    Key Words: kidney fat index, kidney weight, South Dakota, white-tailed jackrabbit

Historic and Contemporary Trends of the Conservation Reserve Program and Ring-Necked Pheasants in South Dakota   Christopher R. Laingen   95

    Key Words: Conservation Reserve Program, pheasants, South Dakota



Bridging the Divide: Indigenous Communities and Archaeology into the 21st Century by Caroline Phillips and Harry Allen, eds., reviewed by Larry J. Zimmerman   105

Hell Gap: A Stratified Paleoindian Campsite at the Edge of the Rockies by Mary Lou Larson, Marcel Kornfeld, and George C. Frison, eds., reviewed by Jack W. Brink  105

Barnum Brown: The Man Who Discovered Tyrannosaurus rex by Lowell Dingus and Mark A. Norell, reviewed by Donald M. Henderson 106

Paradise Found: Nature in America at the Time of Discovery by Steve Nicholls, reviewed by John Herron 107

Nature’s Ghosts: Confronting Extinction from the Age of Jefferson to the Age of Ecology by Mark V. Barrow, Jr., reviewed by Peter A. Bednekoff 107

The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning by James Lovelock, foreword by Martin Rees, reviewed by R. F. Diffendal, Jr.  108

A Dry Oasis: Institutional Adaptation to Climate on the Canadian Plains by Gregory P. Marchildon, ed., reviewed by Siân Mooney 109

The River Returns: An Environmental History of the Bow by Christopher Armstrong, Matthew Evenden, and H. V. Nelles, reviewed by Ted Binnema and David Vogt 109

The Ecology and Management of Prairies in the Central United States by Chris Helzer, reviewed by David J. Gibson 110

The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Prairie Restoration in the Upper Midwest by Daryl Smith, Dave Williams, Greg Houseal, and Kirk Henderson, reviewed by Gerry Steinauer 110

The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Seed and Seedling Identification in the Upper Midwest by Dave Williams, reviewed by H. L. Hillhouse 111

Gasoline, Diesel, and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants by Ram B. Gupta and Ayhan Demirbas, reviewed by Adam L. Liska 112

620 Wild Plants of North America: Fully Illustrated by Tom Reaume, reviewed by Mark J. Leoschke 112

Pieces of the Plains: Memories and Predictions from the Heart of America by John Janovy, Jr., reviewed by Mark Hammer 113

Raptors of New Mexico by Jean-Luc E. Cartron, ed., reviewed by Brian A. Millsap 114

Whooping Crane: Images from the Wild by Klaus Nigge, reviewed by Paul A. Johnsgard 114

Cougar: Ecology and Conservation by Maurice Hornocker and Sharon Negri, eds., reviewed by Oranit Gilad 115

The Leadership of George Bush: An Insider’s View of the Forty-First President by Roman Popadiuk, reviewed by Caroline Heldman 115

Kansas Politics and Government: The Clash of Political Cultures by H. Edward Flentje and Joseph A. Aistrup, reviewed by Burdett A. Loomis 116

Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-Making in Canada by J. R. Miller, reviewed by Sidney L. Harring 117

Canada’s Indigenous Constitution by John Borrows, reviewed by Signa A. Daum Shanks 117

Aboriginal title and Indigenous Peoples: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand by Louis A. Knafla and Haijo Westra, eds., reviewed by Dwight Newman 118

“I Thought Pocahontas Was a Movie”: Perspectives on Race/Culture binaries in Educaitn and Service Professions by Carol Schick and James McNinch, eds., reviewed by Tracy L. Friedel 119

The Seminole Nation of Oklahoma: A Legal History by L. Susan Work, foreword by Lindsay G. Robertson, reviewed by Andrew K. Frank 119

Kiowa Military Societies: Ethnohistory and Ritual by William C. Meadows, reviewed by Gregory R. Campbell  120

Immigration and Settlement, 1870–1939 by Gregory P. Marchildon, ed., reviewed by Hans Werner, 121

Immigrants in Prairie Cities: Ethnic Diversity in Twentieth-Century Canada by Royden Loewen and Gerald Friesen, reviewed by Lori Wilkinson 121

Environmental City: People, Place, Politics, and the Meaning of Modern Austin by William Scott Swearingen, Jr., reviewed by Jonathan R. Wynn 122

Weird City: Sense of Place and Creative Resistance in Austin, Texas by Joshua Long, reviewed by Sally Caldwell 123

Hollowing Out the Middle: The Rural Brain Drain and What It Means for America by Patrick J. Carr and Maria J. Kefalas, reviewed by Peter F. Korsching 123

FALL 2011 VOL. 21/NO. 2

New Records of Carrion Beetles in Nebraska Reveal Increased Presence of the American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus americanus Olivier (Coleoptera: Silphidae)  Jessica Jurzenski, Daniel G. Snethen, Mathew L. Brust, and W. Wyatt Hoback 131

    Key Words: American burying beetle, carrion beetles, conservation, endangered species, Nebraska, Silphidae

Surveillance of Selected Diseases in Free-Ranging Elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) in Nebraska, 1995–2009  Michael A. Cover, Scott E. Hyngstrom, Scott R. Groepper, David W. Oates, Kit M. Hams, and Kurt C. VerCauteren 145

    Key Words: anaplasmosis, bluetongue virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, brucellosis, chronic wasting disease, elk, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, leptospirosis

Historical Biogeography of Nebraska Pronghorns (Antilocapra americana)  Justin D. Hoffman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Rachel R. Jones  153

    Key Words: Antilocapra americana, distribution, historical biogeography, Nebraska, pronghorn

Native and European Haplotypes of Phragmites australis (common reed) in the Central Platte River, Nebraska  Diane L. Larson, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Jennifer L. Larson 175

    Key Words: braided river, common reed, Great Plains, invasive plants, Phragmites australis, Platte River, RFLP

Effects of Herbicides and Grazing on Floristic Quality of Native Tallgrass Pastures in Eastern South Dakota and Southwestern Minnesota   Alexander J. Smart, Matthew J. Nelson, Peter J. Bauman, and Gary E. Larson 181

    Key Words: tallgrass prairie, floristic quality, species richness, grasses, forbs, grazing, herbicides

Persistent Place-Based Income Inequality in Rural Nebraska, 1979–2009 David J. Peters 191

    Key Words: income inequality, regional economics, rural development, subcounty geographies, economic restructuring

Future Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota   Lorilie M. Atkinson, Rebecca J. Romsdahl, and Michael J. Hill 203

    Key Words: Conservation Reserve Program, Prairie Pothole Region, North Dakota, agriculture policy

A Model of Human Scale Tested on Rural Landscape Scenes   Richard K. Sutton 215

    Key Words: grain, extent, visual structure, landscape structure, visual assessment

Ecoregional Differences in Late-20th-Century Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in the U.S. Northern Great Plains   Roger F. Auch, Kristi L. Sayler, Darrell E. Napton, Janis L. Tayler, and Mark S. Brooks 231

    Key Words: Northern Great Plains, land cover, land-use change, land-use tension, weather variability



RARE: Portraits of America’s Endangered Species by Joel Sartore, reviewed by Jim Mason 245

Sandhill and Whooping Cranes: Ancient Voices over America’s Wetlands by Paul A. Johnsgard, reviewed by Janice M. Hughes 245

A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Nebraska by Daniel D. Fogell, reviewed by Joseph T. Collins 246

Damselflies of Texas: A Field Guide by John C. Abbott, reviewed by Forrest L. Mitchell 246

Grass: In Search of Human Habitat by Joe C. Truett, Foreword by Harry W. Greene, reviewed by Mary Ann Vinton 247

Food Justice by Robert Gottlieb and Anupama Joshi, reviewed by Toby A. Ten Eyck 247

Arch Lake Woman: Physical Anthropology and Geoarchaeology by Douglas W. Owsley, Margaret A. Jodry, Thomas W. Stafford, Jr., C. Vance Haynes, Jr., and Dennis J. Stanford, reviewed by Daniel J. Wescott 248

Holy Ground, Healing Water: Cultural Landscapes at Waconda Lake, Kansas by Dennis J. Blakeslee, reviewed by Lauren W. Ritterbush 249

Light from Ancient Campfires: Archaeological Evidence for Native Lifeways on the Northern Plains by Trevor R. Peck, reviewed by Matthew Boyd 249

Wives and Husbands: Gender and Age in Southern Arapaho History by Loretta Fowler, reviewed by Kathleen Fine-Dare 250

Red Power Rising: The National Indian Youth Council and the Origins of Native Activism by Bradley G. Shreve, Foreword by Shirley Hill Witte, reviewed by Bruce E. Johansen 250

Generous Man — Ahxs-i-tapina: Essays in Memory of Colin Taylor, Plains Indian Ethnologist edited by Arni Brownstone and Hugh Dempsey, reviewed by Daniel C. Swan 251

First Nations Education Policy in Canada: Progress or Gridlock? by Jerry Paquette and Gérald Fallon, reviewed by Mark Aquash 252

Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives into the School Curriculum: Purposes, Possibilities, and Challenges by Yatta Kanu, reviewed by Jim Silver 252
Gentle People: A Case Study of Rockport Colony Hutterites by Joanita Kant, reviewed by Rod Janzen 253

Remaking the Heartland: Middle America since the 1950s by Robert Wuthnow, reviewed by Randolph L. Cantrell 253

Manitoba Politics and Government: Issue, Institutions, Traditions edited by Paul G. Thomas and Curtis Brown, reviewed by Jim Mochoruk 254

Hard Grass: Life on the Crazy Woman Bison Ranch by Mary Zeiss Stange, reviewed by Linda M. Hasselstrom 255

Sex, Murder, and the Unwritten Law: Courting Judicial Mayhem, Texas Style by Bill Neal, Foreword by Gordon Morris Bakken, reviewed by Paul N. Spellman 255