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Gain research experience, build friendships, and engage with leaders in physics from around the world.

Students setting up a weather balloon

Society of Physics Students

SPS is an organization of physics majors that serves as a community to connect students in the Department of Physics & Astronomy, helping with outreach events such as Math Day and Behlen Observatory public nights and hosting social events like movie and pizza nights.

Society of Physics Students


Colloquia and Seminars

Physics & Astronomy hosts series of lectures, colloquia, and seminars featuring national and international physicists speaking about their research or current issues in the field of Physics.

AMOP Seminars   Physics Colloquia

Students attending poster presentations
Professor and graduate research assistant wearing safety and sanitation equipment observe laser interactions in the lab

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduates in good academic standing have access to state-of-the-art research facilities and renowned faculty. Available research positions vary depending on openings within each lab and the necessary skills required for each lab.

Research Information

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